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Cringe Worthy Not For Men Who Are Faint Of Heart!

Steely Dan

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Nail Clipper Circumcision


2009 Reader Submission

Pending Acceptance

A man who gave himself a DIY circumcision using nail clippers was taken to hospital for emergency treatment.


The young man had to be rushed to the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. The wound was disinfected to cleanse it before he was given a bed in an observation ward.


"This is something we would advise men never to attempt," a medic said, "The results can be quite horrific and long-lasting and have quite an affect on a man's sexual performance.


"Using a pair of nail clippers must have caused excruciating pain, even if he had had a few drinks beforehand."


**Since he didn't castrate himself, it's worth at least an honorable mention.

SOURCE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/569...rcumcision.html

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