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Got My Hands On NCAA 2010


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For those on the board who still get into gaming, especially football games, this is a MUST HAVE. The gameplay, graphics, and overall presentation are great. The cut aways, the body gestures, and the commentary make it seem like you are in the midst of a real game. I haven't even gotten into the Dynasty mode yet and I'm reccomending this to all. I think it's the best product that EA has ever put out.

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For those on the board who still get into gaming, especially football games, this is a MUST HAVE. The gameplay, graphics, and overall presentation are great. The cut aways, the body gestures, and the commentary make it seem like you are in the midst of a real game. I haven't even gotten into the Dynasty mode yet and I'm reccomending this to all. I think it's the best product that EA has ever put out.


Generally speaking, do you prefer NCAA to Madden? If yes, why?

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Generally speaking, do you prefer NCAA to Madden? If yes, why?

Yes I do prefer NCAA to Madden because of the overall gameplay. Always have. I like Madden, don't get me wrong, but if I had to pick one or the other it would be NCAA for sure. I like the Dynasty mode more than I like the Franchise mode. Also with NCAA the teams are always rotating players more quickly. On Madden it's the same guys for 10 years basically. I prefer recruiting to FA and the draft. Every aspect of NCAA I like more than Madden.

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You know the best football game I ever played?


One that got me off the couch and outside. :rolleyes:



Hell yeah...backyard full contact tackle football in the neighborhood...I miss those days :lol:

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You know the best football game I ever played?


One that got me off the couch and outside. :thumbsup:



Hell yeah...backyard full contact tackle football in the neighborhood...I miss those days :(

Don't we all my friend. Now I have to be careful not to get injured as the "bread winner" :P

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Hell yeah...backyard full contact tackle football in the neighborhood...I miss those days :thumbsup:

hahah..with heavy snow with a foot on the ground x 10!! When we were kids we would play at night. If the parents were out we would hook flood lights(those little ones you use to illuminate your house) up to a couple trees and play. It was fun with all the snow on the ground.

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hahah..with heavy snow with a foot on the ground x 10!! When we were kids we would play at night. If the parents were out we would hook flood lights(those little ones you use to illuminate your house) up to a couple trees and play. It was fun with all the snow on the ground.



I definitely agree about the snow! I wish I would have been able to have the flood lights thing...that sounds awesome! We used to play out in back of a friend's house in this HUGE field. There were usually about 8-10 of us and the endzones must have been a good 150 yards apart. It is kind of sad to think that a lot of kids today don't ever get to experience how much fun it is to be outside in the elements instead of sitting on a couch playing video games. I enjoyed video games when I was a kid, too, but nothing compared to being outside roughing it up. Some of you guys may be familiar with Mendon Ponds Park outside of Rochester. There were some fantastic sledding hills there....I miss doing that, too.

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That was many years ago and I miss those days too.



The older I get, the more I feel blessed to have grown up in the 70s and 80s, and I often feel envious of those who grew up in the 50s and 60s. Seems like life for kids was so much simpler back in those days, and a lot of the magic that came along with childhood has been replaced with superficial nonsense.


I remember reading an article recently by an Emory University professor who talked about how things like text messages are completely ruining in the lives of kids today. At first I was like, "please....this is just sensationalist propaganda...", but after I read the article it made perfect sense. Kids are in constant communication with one another to the point where they are perpetually distracted and interrupted, and it's preventing them from being able to focus and enjoy things as they should. I don't know why I'm off on this tangent, I guess it's just that the more I think about it, there's no way I'd ever trade my childhood back then for one today. Kids are missing out on a lot of great stuff, and your comment about playing football outside triggered a lot of great memories for me.

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The older I get, the more I feel blessed to have grown up in the 70s and 80s, and I often feel envious of those who grew up in the 50s and 60s. Seems like life for kids was so much simpler back in those days, and a lot of the magic that came along with childhood has been replaced with superficial nonsense.


I remember reading an article recently by an Emory University professor who talked about how things like text messages are completely ruining in the lives of kids today. At first I was like, "please....this is just sensationalist propaganda...", but after I read the article it made perfect sense. Kids are in constant communication with one another to the point where they are perpetually distracted and interrupted, and it's preventing them from being able to focus and enjoy things as they should. I don't know why I'm off on this tangent, I guess it's just that the more I think about it, there's no way I'd ever trade my childhood back then for one today. Kids are missing out on a lot of great stuff, and your comment about playing football outside triggered a lot of great memories for me.


I used to spend hours playing football in the lot by myself, especially in the winter when you could dive for the ball and land in the nice soft snow. We'd play cops and robbers and the boundaries were probably 10 square miles. The game would last all day and sometimes over several days. We'd have rock wars (until someone got hit in the head with a rock then we went to mud balls), play softball from sun up to sun down, soccer on a full 100 yard field with maybe only four guys per side. Shoot each other with BB guns. Made our own fireworks and smoke bombs. Play kick the can until the sun went down then find the brightest street light to put the can under. I know I sound like an old fart well !@#$ you, I am. Video games. !@#$ing hell. Kids are soft these days.

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I used to spend hours playing football in the lot by myself, especially in the winter when you could dive for the ball and land in the nice soft snow. We'd play cops and robbers and the boundaries were probably 10 square miles. The game would last all day and sometimes over several days. We'd have rock wars (until someone got hit in the head with a rock then we went to mud balls), play softball from sun up to sun down, soccer on a full 100 yard field with maybe only four guys per side. Shoot each other with BB guns. Made our own fireworks and smoke bombs. Play kick the can until the sun went down then find the brightest street light to put the can under. I know I sound like an old fart well !@#$ you, I am. Video games. !@#$ing hell. Kids are soft these days.


lol, amen....that's the same kind of sh-- I used to do. Hell, during one summer in between years of high school, a buddy and I used to bike about 12 mi each, meet at a basketball court about half way between our houses at our church, play basketball for a good four hours, and then bike back home. I was in the best shape of my life at that time, and I loved every minute of it. I remember back in the 70s, I'd be outside all day with my friends, and then when I got home my dad would be in the garage messing around with his cars....we'd grab a nice cold coke (in a bottle) from the fridge we had in the garage and just chill out before dinner. Something about the summertime back in the 70s....good times!

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lol, amen....that's the same kind of sh-- I used to do. Hell, during one summer in between years of high school, a buddy and I used to bike about 12 mi each, meet at a basketball court about half way between our houses at our church, play basketball for a good four hours, and then bike back home. I was in the best shape of my life at that time, and I loved every minute of it. I remember back in the 70s, I'd be outside all day with my friends, and then when I got home my dad would be in the garage messing around with his cars....we'd grab a nice cold coke (in a bottle) from the fridge we had in the garage and just chill out before dinner. Something about the summertime back in the 70s....good times!

We obviously all grew up at the same time. My mom used to have to come look for us because we were either playing football or road hockey as long as the light would allow. We would never want to come back in. Now, I can't get my kid to go out! We had great relationships with the neighbors, both parents and kids. Hell, my best friend back then lived right behind us. The O'Reillys. Seven kids cause they were Catholic. Great people. But it was like our house was their house and visa versa. It was nothing for Dan( my buddy) to come over and grab something out of the fridge to eat. And it was totally ok. We could do the same. They would also help my mom unload groceries and want nothing for it. They weren't expecting it either.

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We obviously grew up at the same time. My mom used to have to come look for us because we were either playing football or road hockey as long as the light would allow. We would never want to come back in. Now, I can't get my kid to go out!


lol, yep, it's like we wanted to squeeze every single drop of daylight we could out of the day before having to finally give in and head home. We were truly lucky to have those experiences, man...it's funny how time gives you such a deeper perspective on things.

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We obviously grew up at the same time. My mom used to have to come look for us because we were either playing football or road hockey as long as the light would allow. We would never want to come back in. Now, I can't get my kid to go out!


I don't have kids so I don't know about this but I would like to hear from those of you that do. How many of you have this challenge?

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Just got a hold of it myself...reaaaaaaaaallly good game.


You finally have some control as a DE when you try to rush the passer, the teambuilder mode is epic and the gameplay is top notch.


If Madden 10 is as good as advertised, these two games will keep me busy for awhile.


And before anyone jumps on me for being a complete couch potato, I still manage to stumble outside on the weekends. You gotta be careful of that sun though. She's a B word. My XBOX 360 never judges me.


Not like that B word sun.

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Just got a hold of it myself...reaaaaaaaaallly good game.


You finally have some control as a DE when you try to rush the passer, the teambuilder mode is epic and the gameplay is top notch.


If Madden 10 is as good as advertised, these two games will keep me busy for awhile.


And before anyone jumps on me for being a complete couch potato, I still manage to stumble outside on the weekends. You gotta be careful of that sun though. She's a B word. My XBOX 360 never judges me.


Not like that B word sun.

Hey, what are you doing hijacking the thread we hijacked?

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