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Monkey Man


I just was having a conversation this weekend about, "What would be your at-bat music if you were a MLBer?" My buddy said "Monkey Man". That's a pretty solid choice. I said I liked the horn intro to "Hold On, I'm Comin'". Chase Utley uses "Kashmir" which is badass.


As for my favorite Stones song I'd have to go with "Dead Flowers". It's probably my favorite song about heroin addiction. :rolleyes:

You couldn't let it slide,could you? I am going off memory here.


Gimme shelter was was my# 2. # 3,paint it black.


You don't even remember the correct name of your favorite 'Stones tune? :thumbsup:


My favorite would be either "Broom Sugar", or maybe "Jumping Jack's Bash"... :P


(Although seriously for a minute...Sympathy For The Devil has what I think are some of the most amazing lyrics. I rode a tank, held a general's rank, while the blitzkreig raged and the fires stank. That's just some chilling, evocative songwriting.)

You don't even remember the correct name of your favorite 'Stones tune? :P


My favorite would be either "Broom Sugar", or maybe "Jumping Jack's Bash"... :P


(Although seriously for a minute...Sympathy For The Devil has what I think are some of the most amazing lyrics. I rode a tank, held a general's rank, while the blitzkreig raged and the fires stank. That's just some chilling, evocative songwriting.)



You don't even remember the correct lyrics of your favorite 'Stones tune? :(


It is "I rode a tank, held a general's rank, while the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank" :thumbsup:


BTW- if you love the Stones, and love this song, two things:


1- check out the live version of this, on the "Bridges To Babylon" dvd. The guitar solo that Keith does (it ain't Wood), is maybe the best live solo I have ever heard him do...truly inspired. Not my favorite period of Stones live music, but this performance just kills!


2- Check out the movie of the same name...it is a mess of a flick (Jean Luc Goodard), but the mess is held together by back and forth footage of the band in the studio, recording this song. Starts out as a slow, acoustic, almost country/folk tune, and then Keith, or someone, will suggest adding somehting...by the end, the song transforms into the song we know, and love...

You don't even remember the correct lyrics of your favorite 'Stones tune? :P


It is "I rode a tank, held a general's rank, while the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank" :thumbsup:


Oh. Never mind then. That's nowhere NEAR as good.


No love for Midnight Rambler? Most anything on Exile - perhaps one of the top 3 albums of all time.


For my tastes, which lean more bluesy, the Stones are the beginning and end of rock bands.

You talking to me? This is the last time I post a simple music remark without researching it for hours to make sure I doted my i and crossed my t.



Nah, just bustin' on DC for busting on someone else's error, and then making one of his own, in the same post, no less...its' all good! Just a little internet funning! Great topic! I love the Stones!

You talking to me? This is the last time I post a simple music remark without researching it for hours to make sure I doted my i and crossed my t.


I normally am not a stickler for these kind of things, but to say it's your favorite song and get the title wrong, that's not exactly taking hours of research. I saw the title and was like what? "with the devil?"


It is a great song, though, as so many Stones song are. Just masterpieces.


Nobody has mentioned the obvious Satisfaction - that was voted #1 all time song on VH-1s countdown, and though I'd vote Born to Run first, I can't argue much with Satisfaction.

Nobody has mentioned the obvious Satisfaction - that was voted #1 all time song on VH-1s countdown, and though I'd vote Born to Run first, I can't argue much with Satisfaction.

I did. Page 1. Post#13. Don't I count? What, I can't be a man 'cause I don't smoke the same cigarettes as you?

I did. Page 1. Post#13. Don't I count? What, I can't be a man 'cause I don't smoke the same cigarettes as you?


LOL - Sorry, I didn't read that post close enough because I thought it was just telling me more and more about some useless information.

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