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Jimmy Spagnola said he'd take the winner of this contest on a one day deep sea fishing trip today. I'll let you know what I catch. I'm glad I won because he has seemed a little mad at me lately and we'll get a good chance to talk.


I told you the last post wins more.

Hey Beerboyz. Do youx knowm where crayonq boya keepsx my silica? I can'tm find any and haven'tz seen him in a whilen.



Feeling a little moist?


I don't wantm to postn in that othern threadp but that guyz is notm messingq aroundp. I amw sterringq clearn of him.


Andp it must be slutz Carlq bitingw him becauseb franklyz I am scaredp.


Don'tz mess withz him. Andp don't tell himq about Crayon boyz signatueb.

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