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Last post wins!


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OK, here's some fun stuff. Didn't feel like starting a new thread to share them:






Found both here (possibly NSFW):



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Youz so fonny! :huh: Hey I'm cool enough to take a joke without anger!! ;)A-hole!! Take one of those or better yet all and shove them up your sphincter you tit.



Hey your ass thread is so long, something must be going on there.



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I'm lost. How did I get here ? I was posting on the stadium wall and then.......



Sorry to hear that, sir. Now, be very careful on the way back to TSW. When you get to Buffalo Bills Forums, turn right. If you make the wrong turn, you could end up on PPP. That's not a good place for a nice old man to be.

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Sorry to hear that, sir. Now, be very careful on the way back to TSW. When you get to Buffalo Bills Forums, turn right. If you make the wrong turn, you could end up on PPP. That's not a good place for a nice old man to be.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here ... :rolleyes:

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