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And I care because ...


... oh wait, I don't.

au contraire mon frere. You cared enough to put in the effort to post a reply :thumbdown: . So don't kid yourself there bucko, with the classic "I Don't Care" Defense made popular by Johnny Cochrane.

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Don't think I haven't considered writing one that would, in my absence, crawl this board and randomly call people idiots.



By the way...still hate you all.


Why do you hate U-Haul?



Y'all need to get a room for your gay orgy.


Ok .. you asked for it ... the dog gets it!


Gay orgy and yet the dog is gonna get it from you? Not that theres an.... Oh wait, there is. It's pretty damn sick!


Why do you care? You're a sphere full of malted frosty beverage.


No he's a ball of semen beneath the body of a cervidae. :thumbdown:



Beerball can give to 2-3 inches ... it might take him a couple times though :rolleyes:


And you know this, how? :thumbsup:



someone with super powers should give you a more fitting avatar


Someone with stupid powers should raise your IQ. ;)

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I concur...so says the KOAB.


We established quite some time ago that I am the KOAB.


You might be the Democratically Elected Leader of all Bastards...but that's only because everybody likes you and nobody would vote for me...which just proves how much more of a bastard I am than you.



P.S. Die, thread, die.

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