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Question: Is it possible to say to someone, "take care now" and not have it be sarcastic?


I find it hard to imagine a context where "take care now" could be perceived as sarcastic. Unless of course, your wierd neighbor complains to your face about how you pile your snow too high at the end of your driveway; thus obscuring his view of the intersection from his driveway (and threatens to call the police). You then tell him that you would appreciate it if he would mind his own f***ing business or you'll gladly punch his teeth down his throat, and as he walks away say "take care now."


This actually happened to me yesterday, but I actually think I said "have a nice day ***hole!"

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"take care now"

What the !@#$ is that supposed to mean? :angry:





I've been absent from this thread for several pages. My time has been spent conferring with higher authorities about the validity of mead announcing that J Jack is the winner of this thread. It was decided that mead does not have the authority to make such a ruling. For overstepping his bounds he is officially declared a loser of this thread. J Jack, by virtue of his acceptance of the unauthorize and totally bogus ruling is also now an official loser of this thread.


The rest of you (cept Cowboyst because he's gotten kind of pushy) are still officially in this thing. Please do your level best and remember above all else take care now.

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I declare we start a mutiny. All with me, say "ey!"


(there will be free goats for all who enlist)

I once owned a goat named Lewis. He used to go on walks with the wife, our dog and me. Pretty cool little guy, or so I thought. Then one day he pissed off the missus so one day she delivered him to a family as their Sunday dinner.
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I once owned a goat named Lewis. He used to go on walks with the wife, our dog and me. Pretty cool little guy, or so I thought. Then one day he pissed off the missus so one day she delivered him to a family as their Sunday dinner.

How do you go about owning a goat?
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