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Last post wins!


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this thread is an abomination to God.


No sh--. My point.


I've never seen so many posts wasted so badly


At least, not since your birthday thread. Or the "burning DVDs is okay because someone threw a cup at Ron Artest" thread.




P.S. I still hate all of you. I hope you all rot in Miami for perpetuating this thread.

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I've never seen so many posts wasted so badly



No sh--. My point.


P.S. I still hate all of you. I hope you all rot in Miami for perpetuating this thread.

But then again ... can something that annoys DC Tom so much be all bad?!?

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You want to know who all of you are? Huh? Huh? You don't...I do...everyone does... you're the sons of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.

??? You might want to cut down the dosage on the crazy pills.

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