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Last post wins!


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Yall forget I said Jack won.


Yall...here we go again...northerners speaking like southerners.

On the otherhand..it looks like you are feeling better with remarks like these.


I'm here, I see everyone missed me.


Saw "The Invention Of Lying" yesterday. Definetly a good choice of movie if you ever are deciding on what to watch.


Yep..you were missed and I'm still worrying about you having pancakes.

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I'm going back to bed. Good night.



Good morning


I think i need to be more involved in this thread



Generally this thread is used for posting useless thoughts and other forms of stupidity. If you wish to expose your own moronic tidbits to the world then you should jump right in with the rest of us idiots who regularly post here. :oops: Did I really say this :D. Join the fun.

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I don't want to write this paper la la la la la la la

Fine, don't then. Fail out of school, move back to the parents house, and get a job cleaning gutters or picking up dog poop. Or finish the paper, graduate, and move back to the parents house, and get a job cleaning gutters or picking up dog poop if the economy doesn't improve soon.

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