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Maybe the fuel pump still works, but went thru sticker shock at the gas station



Yep filled the wifey's car up this morning and my pump almost went out. She hardly drives anywhere though so I can't complain too much. I really feel for people who are living check to check as this situation has to really suck for them. Next car for me likely to be a hybrid.

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Maybe the fuel pump still works, but went thru sticker shock at the gas station


My car is in the shop as they cannot figure out why it keeps overheating. I am about to buy a new one, but I want this fixed as I plan to give it to my son. Since I have not decided on what I am going to purchase I borrowed my step dad's truck (not the actual truck, but close enough). I had to fill it up and it was over a hundred dollars. Maybe I should have rented a car...

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My car is in the shop as they cannot figure out why it keeps overheating. I am about to buy a new one, but I want this fixed as I plan to give it to my son. Since I have not decided on what I am going to purchase I borrowed my step dad's I had to fill it up and it was over a hundred dollars. Maybe I should have rented a car...



Ouch .... I hope your step dad does not drive a significant number of miles.

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My car is in the shop as they cannot figure out why it keeps overheating. I am about to buy a new one, but I want this fixed as I plan to give it to my son. Since I have not decided on what I am going to purchase I borrowed my step dad's truck (not the actual truck, but close enough). I had to fill it up and it was over a hundred dollars. Maybe I should have rented a car...

Thermostat??? Pressure cap??? Those cured mine.

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Two hours to get out of my parking lot. Got stuck in a snowbank immediately due to crap tires. 1.5 hours till I got towed out. Now another two hours waiting at the repair shop to get new tires installed. At least I'm hourly so I'm getting paid.

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Hey, CountDorkula, please give us your in-depth analysis and overall impressions of the Bills' scouting, drafting, coaching, schemes and overall performance over the last decade or so.


Well said. :thumbsup:



Anything else you need, just let me know.

Edited by CountDorkula
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It's not unlike any project around the house. Estimate your time and cost add 50% then double both and you are likely in the correct ballpark. I had to replace a p-trap in on of the bathroom sinks this past weekend. $3.00 part and twenty minutes right? Nope, inch and a quarter pipe feeding into inch and one half - pipe coming out of sink was too short - primary reason for the issue. Had to replace everything - $40 and 4 hours later (including 2 trips to homeless depot) and the job is done. So in this case my formula fell way short. :angry:



BTW - swearing factor is also expodential - if you think you will swear only 100 times during a project multiply by 10 take a deep breath and multiply by 10 again - then you'll have it.

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Two hours to get out of my parking lot. Got stuck in a snowbank immediately due to crap tires. 1.5 hours till I got towed out. Now another two hours waiting at the repair shop to get new tires installed. At least I'm hourly so I'm getting paid.

:D I grilled up some nice plump juicy chicken breasts yesterday. I think winter may have finally left us behind (here).

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