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Waste no time. Immediately throw dirt to the face, then work the groin. Those Ivy League dandies never see it coming.



Was Don Meredith a dandy?


for you, gringo, i believe this is also known as "going on a date." :devil:






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You actually eat at Burger King? I haven't since they made the King a creepy stalker dude.

McD's is usually my go-to place when on the road, but where I was, would require two left turns (one in, one out) across two lanes of holiday traffic, whereas BK was a right in, right out. And their out is at the light.

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McD's is usually my go-to place when on the road, but where I was, would require two left turns (one in, one out) across two lanes of holiday traffic, whereas BK was a right in, right out. And their out is at the light.



My Grandfather was a very timid driver. (My Grandmother didn't drive, but would shout at him to speed up and run lights all the time. It was a scream.) Anyway, one time driving with him I noticed he took some very odd routes to go to some of our stops. I found out later that he didn't like to take left hand turns, so he just took right hand turns to go wherever he needed to go.

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God damm I hate it when in the drive-thru I order a Diet Coke and they give me regular Coke. Seems to happen about 50% of the time. I even check the display they usually have now after placing my order to make sure it says Diet. I can read, why can't they? I got to watch my calories, so I order a Diet to wash down my triple Whopper and large fries.

Even my 10 year old daughter understands... THAT'S WHY THEY WORK AT BURGER KING!!!


Double whopper, no mayo. Mmmmm.

What do you have against mayo??? I say screw the tomato!



Honestly, I have all but given up burgers. I went on a diet which is mostly over now (LAMP-weighed today dropped from 225 to 162 over say eight months). Been dieting since January basically and I think I have had two burgers during that period. I used to eat 3-4 a week. The last one I had was a couple of months ago and it tasted really blah. This was a Danvers burger and I loved those. I think I have lost my taste for them really. Mind you, I treat myself to a NY strip and shrimp combo say once a week. I still love red meat, but burgers, not so much. I may grill a burger this weekend and see how that goes.

Congratulations! How did you do it? I have yo-yo'ed recently. Back in January I topped off at 273! (6'0") I was shocked. Had a late July wedding to go to back in Buffalo and stuck to the Atkins diet and worked out with weights and some elliptical training. I got down to 232 for the wedding , but since I came back, with the pressure off, I'm up to 252. I know I have to get back on the ball and I'm paying $25.00 a month for a gym membership that I'm not using. (they love customers like me) Also I LOVE Oktoberfest beers and "tis the season" ...so things aren't looking good for my waistline!

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Congratulations! How did you do it? I have yo-yo'ed recently. Back in January I topped off at 273! (6'0") I was shocked. Had a late July wedding to go to back in Buffalo and stuck to the Atkins diet and worked out with weights and some elliptical training. I got down to 232 for the wedding , but since I came back, with the pressure off, I'm up to 252. I know I have to get back on the ball and I'm paying $25.00 a month for a gym membership that I'm not using. (they love customers like me) Also I LOVE Oktoberfest beers and "tis the season" ...so things aren't looking good for my waistline!


There is only one way to lose weight IMO. Burn more calories than you take in. Sure, it helps if you eat food that your body processes better, but calories count. Exercise helps, but just with how your body processes the calories. The actual exercise burns a trivial amount of calories basically. After the first few days of a diet your stomach shrinks a little and you get full easier. I just spaced my "meals/snacks" throughout the day. Eat a decent breakfast of say two scrambled eggs highly spiced for taste and with a drop of cheese and maybe a sausage or two slices of bacon as an example. I would take say an orange, green apple, or grapes for two of my snacks. Two bad snacks of say peanuts or peanut butter crackers. Then for dinner I ate say two blackened chicken breasts (I love chicken) with a side of some vegetable (or pasta if I was cheating). Total calories for the day averaged say 1600. I took a supplement during the time so that helped round out my diet.


I eliminated drinking for the most part, but the best part about a diet is you get drunk so easily. I let myself splurge once a week and would eat something like I used to and then buy a 6 pack. What was normally a light buzz was a full fledged drunk.


Find your target weight and multiply by 11 is a great way to go when counting calories. I forced myself to x 10. Hope that helps and I am sure someone will say I am wrong in 10, 9, 8...


I always forget how much of a wimpy piece of crap I am. :lol:


LMAO I know. I was 180 at one point with almost all muscle and I got fairly advanced in martial arts. Haven't done them in years and and I am now almost small. Complete ego downer. :o

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LMAO I know. I was 180 at one point with almost all muscle and I got fairly advanced in martial arts. Haven't done them in years and and I am now almost small. Complete ego downer. :o

haha Well chew on this: I'm 6'4", and you're almost down to my weight :lol:


If I had any motivation, I would start working out and put on some muscle. No such motivation yet though. Guess the first time I really get the **** beat out of me will probably do it.

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There is only one way to lose weight IMO. Burn more calories than you take in. Sure, it helps if you eat food that your body processes better, but calories count. Exercise helps, but just with how your body processes the calories. The actual exercise burns a trivial amount of calories basically. After the first few days of a diet your stomach shrinks a little and you get full easier. I just spaced my "meals/snacks" throughout the day. Eat a decent breakfast of say two scrambled eggs highly spiced for taste and with a drop of cheese and maybe a sausage or two slices of bacon as an example. I would take say an orange, green apple, or grapes for two of my snacks. Two bad snacks of say peanuts or peanut butter crackers. Then for dinner I ate say two blackened chicken breasts (I love chicken) with a side of some vegetable (or pasta if I was cheating). Total calories for the day averaged say 1600. I took a supplement during the time so that helped round out my diet.


I eliminated drinking for the most part, but the best part about a diet is you get drunk so easily. I let myself splurge once a week and would eat something like I used to and then buy a 6 pack. What was normally a light buzz was a full fledged drunk.

Find your target weight and multiply by 11 is a great way to go when counting calories. I forced myself to x 10. Hope that helps and I am sure someone will say I am wrong in 10, 9, 8...



I have heard that if you are sticking to a diet that it is actually beneficial to have a "cheat day" once a week. It prevents your body from going into "starvation mode", which causes your metabolism to slow down.


I'm a creature of habit, so I just have to find the motivation to "get back on the horse".



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haha Well chew on this: I'm 6'4", and you're almost down to my weight :lol:


If I had any motivation, I would start working out and put on some muscle. No such motivation yet though. Guess the first time I really get the **** beat out of me will probably do it.

Im 5-9 bitches. I got better hand eye coordination then all you tall bitchess. :nana: :nana:

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haha Well chew on this: I'm 6'4", and you're almost down to my weight :lol:


If I had any motivation, I would start working out and put on some muscle. No such motivation yet though. Guess the first time I really get the **** beat out of me will probably do it.


Damn, you are rail thin brother. I know a guy 6'8" who weighs about 170. He eats like a pig, played MMOs all day, since he was laid up after an accident for over six years and never gained a bit of weight. Well, maybe two pounds...

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Where are you going I don't mind

I've killed my world and I've killed my time

So where do I go what do I see

I see many people coming after me

So where are you going to I don't mind

If I live too long I'm afraid I'll die

So I will follow you wherever you go

If your offered hand is still open to me

Strangers on this road we are on

We are not two we are one

So you've been where I've just come

From the land that brings losers on

So we will share this road we walk

And mind our mouths and beware our talk

'Till peace we find tell you what I'll do

All the things I own I will share with you

If I feel tomorrow like I feel today

We'll take what we want and give the rest away

Strangers on this road we are on

We are not two we are one

Holy man and holy priest

This love of life makes me weak at my knees

And when we get there make your play

'Cos soon I feel you're gonna carry us away

In a promised lie you made us believe

For many men there is so much grief

And my mind is proud but it aches with rage

And if I live too long I'm afraid I'll die

Strangers on this road we are on

We are not two we are one

Strangers on this road we are on

We are not two we are one

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I've got no heart! Because a she-devil stole it.



I would have given you all of my heart

but there's someone who's torn it apart

and she's taken just all that I had.

But if you want I'll try to love again.

Baby I'll try to love again but I know...

The first cut is the deepest.


Jarred mayo is probably the one thing that I will never, ever eat again.

So you found a used condom at the bottom of one? :sick:

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