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Last post wins!


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If we don't have a winner, then we don't have a loser. If we don't have a loser, I can't yell negative and obscene things at them.

I would have no trouble yelling negative and obscene things at any of the losers around here.


A sample:


You're all a bunch of nancyboymother!@#$ing losers!

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Boy the way Glen Miller played

Songs that made the hit parade.

Guys like us we had it made,

Those were the days.


And you knew who you were then,

Girls were girls and men were men,

Mister we could use a man

Like Herbert Hoover again.


Didn't need no welfare state,

Everybody pulled his weight.

Gee our old LaSalle ran great.

Those were the days.

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(Do I win????)
Careful...you're close to copyright infringement. Don't get on the wrong side of the nimrods around here, they can be vicious animals.

Yea, listen to Beerball. He learned his lesson after we put him in the hospital.


Did I Win Yet? ©

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