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Last post wins!


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Four score and seven minutes ago, we, your fore fathers were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure. Conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other, and...party on dudes!


Be excellent my friends!

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Sidenote: When Guns N Roses finally released Chinese Democracy, I was convinced the only way this album could have lived up to it's hype was if it created a world-wide peaceful revolution, a la The Wild Stallions.


It did not.


George Carlin, RIP.

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(automated response) Anyone who adds a post after this one has to spend one week with Deerball and his family, seriously.

In your conspiracy theory thread you stated...

I've finally discovered all of the facts relating to this conspiracy!! It involves people at the highest levels of TBD and it


Then kind of dropped off in mid sentence. Care to expound on your theory or did they get to you too?

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In your conspiracy theory thread you stated...

I've finally discovered all of the facts relating to this conspiracy!! It involves people at the highest levels of TBD and it


Then kind of dropped off in mid sentence. Care to expound on your theory or did they get to you too?

This is still going?!?

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This is nonsense and it needs to stop.


The last post no longer wins. This is a rule change by the committee




The rules changes that took effect on July 26 got an immediate test during the three minutes. Last post championships during the month of this year. As promised, on the basis of that experience, the guy who will win is hereby offering more definitive rules interpretations for all member forum ninnies, nancy boys, and others, including anyone reading. (We are asking forum ninnies, nancy boys, and others, including anyone reading to spread the word to referees, posters, and delegates as quickly as possible). We are pleased to report that the transition to the new rules was generally very easy and successful. As on previous occasions, the concerns that had been expressed about a quick and consistent adaptation turned out to be unwarranted. However, the following points are worth noting:


1. The game is now ended with a post keeper-type, if the opponents have interfered in the post area. Post keepers have already started adapting and are instinctively typing the document from within post area, often starting a quick counterattack or at least gaining an advantage, precisely as was intended with this rules change. The key is to have the referee help remind the post keeper by making the hand signal for post keeper-type in a very visible and emphatic way. (The signal for entering the post-area is virtually never necessary). By contrast, if the referee decision is a free-type, e.g., for an offensive quip inside or outside the post area, then the referee should clearly signal for a free-type and support this by pointing to the correct location declaring X. Benedict the winner.


2. The new regulations for a free-type after the expiration of posting time as of now occasionally caused some confusion. For the most part, the typing addicts reacted correctly, with only one poster coming forward, ready to take the free-type. The said competitors should encourage this quick execution, as this is the best way of avoiding other problems. The defending posters sometimes had misunderstood the change and thought that also they were entitled to substitute or add one more post (or a short postin the defense than ran off from the forum out of old habit). The bleeding grannies, losers, and assmites must be more firmly instructed, and the said competitors must pay attention in the hope that they can prevent such an incorrect and punishable action. Therefore this is silly and the last post.

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