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This morning I got out of bed when my alarm went off, had breakfast, did the three S's, got dressed, got in the car, started going to work, and then said to myself "Wait a minute...I'm still asleep, and this is all a !@#$ing dream!" THEN I woke up, got out of bed...


Was an hour and a half late to work, all because my brain incorporated my alarm clock into a dream that I was getting ready for work and slept through it.


I came home from work today and discovered that everything in my house was stolen and replaced with an exact replica!


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Ok, I did something incredibly stupid this morning. I think I am finally ready to laugh about it...


I'm getting ready for work this morning and I see that the shirt I want to wear is a little wrinkled, so I decide to throw it in the dryer for a few minutes. Meanwhile, I throw on a t-shirt and proceed feeding my cat and dog, then I put on a jacket and take my dog out for a poop walk. Etcetera… Cut to me driving, almost all the way to work and I realize that I'm wearing this ratty old t-shirt with holes in it. Turn the car around, I am a jackass. I may not win this thread, but I definitely win the jackass of the day award.


There are many, many, many other reasons to consider you a Jackass!!


I :P my pants driving into work one day. That was the last time I tried to go to work while sick. :sick:


i'm on vacation so i have no work to go to.




Not going to work this week? Gonna have to do all that sleeping at home now? :devil:

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Lee Harvey, you wild man! I want to party with you!


No really, you didn't! What the heck happened to those poor car seats! :P


Fortunately, they were vinyl seats and it didn't permeate the vinyl. A half bottle of rubbing alcohol was used to clean it up and sterilize it. :devil:

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I :P my pants driving into work one day. That was the last time I tried to go to work while sick. :devil:


been there, done that. except it was after lunch at Red Lobster. Didn't bother going back to work, went home cleaned up and called it a day.


Oh, and did I win yet?

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Fortunately, they were vinyl seats and it didn't permeate the vinyl. A half bottle of rubbing alcohol was used to clean it up and sterilize it. :devil:


Are we talking duece here or puke? :P


If it is puke... I scream to the rug rats..."Get that head out the window!" They know the drill. Also, plastic shopping bags carefully placed around the car are your friend!

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