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how about Jamesons, there's got to be Jamesons right, or Wisers or something, then how could it be heaven if that's not there. damn you Dr. Demento, provide us with an answer.




and there better not be any freakin' zima, either.


Don't take any chances. Drink your fill while you're here...



There are several good reasons for drinking

and one has just entered my head.

If a man can't drink when he's living,

then how the heck can he drink

when he's dead

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Both of you are banned from further posting in this thread. My friend AiO will see to it. <_<


If JW can't understand that imperative why should I? <_<



hey, i got me a question bout music.

if you're familiar with the polka sound, well, explain to me if anyone's ever figured out who stole that damn kishka, eh?





how about Jamesons, there's got to be Jamesons right, or Wisers or something, then how could it be heaven if that's not there. damn you Dr. Demento, provide us with an answer.




and there better not be any freakin' zima, either.


Ya know, for a writer, your reading comprehension sucks. :wallbash: STOP POSTING HERE!! YOU'RE DISQUALIFIED!!!

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Ya know, for a writer, your reading comprehension sucks. :lol: STOP POSTING HERE!! YOU'RE DISQUALIFIED!!!

trouble is, i'm a persistent bugger, as you've noticed and have been banned from speaking with people, and have had phones slammed down in my ear, gotten my fair share of no comments. and yet, that hasn't stopped me.

if you can explain why -- as a writer and also a member in fairly good (well, that's relative) standing on this board (no one's revoked my privileges yet) -- i am disqualified from taking part in certain reindeer games, well, then i might accept it.

but to strickly (as some put it) ban me for no reason except for what i do for a living, well, now, that's "writerism" or something.





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trouble is, i'm a persistent bugger, as you've noticed and have been banned from speaking with people, and have had phones slammed down in my ear, gotten my fair share of no comments. and yet, that hasn't stopped me.

if you can explain why -- as a writer and also a member in fairly good (well, that's relative) standing on this board (no one's revoked my privileges yet) -- i am disqualified from taking part in certain reindeer games, well, then i might accept it.

but to strickly (as some put it) ban me for no reason except for what i do for a living, well, now, that's "writerism" or something.






I've already pointed out that I'm this threads ombudsman. Deal with it. Jackass!!

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trouble is, i'm a persistent bugger, as you've noticed and have been banned from speaking with people, and have had phones slammed down in my ear, gotten my fair share of no comments. and yet, that hasn't stopped me.

if you can explain why -- as a writer and also a member in fairly good (well, that's relative) standing on this board (no one's revoked my privileges yet) -- i am disqualified from taking part in certain reindeer games, well, then i might accept it.

but to strickly (as some put it) ban me for no reason except for what i do for a living, well, now, that's "writerism" or something.





:lol: no comment

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trouble is, i'm a persistent bugger, as you've noticed and have been banned from speaking with people, and have had phones slammed down in my ear, gotten my fair share of no comments. and yet, that hasn't stopped me.

if you can explain why -- as a writer and also a member in fairly good (well, that's relative) standing on this board (no one's revoked my privileges yet) -- i am disqualified from taking part in certain reindeer games, well, then i might accept it.

but to strickly (as some put it) ban me for no reason except for what i do for a living, well, now, that's "writerism" or something.







I have read the fine print from start to finish (took me 4 hours) and the only stipulation is; the last post wins!

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I've already pointed out that I'm this threads ombudsman. Deal with it. Jackass!!

well, then, you've thrown down the gauntlet with your blunt remark, and i've elected to get my legal team involved in filing, what in layman's terms, would amount to a "nyah, nyah" defense.





now it's official.

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well, then, you've thrown down the gauntlet with your blunt remark, and i've elected to get my legal team involved in filing, what in layman's terms, would amount to a "nyah, nyah" defense.





now it's official.


Dear sir,


It has come to our attention that you have threatened legal action against our client (a.k.a.) Steely Dan. It is our contention that you have, around Sept. 2009 to Nov. 2009, caused our client injury such as severe cranial headaches, angst, head bashing and major discombobulation. It has also come to our attention that you have willingly and repeatedly "nyay'd" our client who is the ombudsman of the "Last Post Thread" located at Two Bills Drive. These actions have been looked over by our crack legal team, (not to be confused with our legal team on crack), and we have concluded that you are in direct violation of the Rubble vs. Flintstone decision of 1968. That Supreme Court decision explicitly sets a precedence for the penalties of discombobulating others on the internet. How they knew there would be such a thing as an internet in 1968 isn't important. What is, is that the ruling exists.


Therefore you are to send Mr. Dan $200,000,000 and to pay our legal fees of $1,000,000,000 post haste.




Bill Whatsamattar





You're not anything's ombudsman. Well, other than maybe the "craptastic queer rock band" fan club.


You don't even know what ombudsman means! :P


Of course you will once you go to a dictionary and then come back and tell me that you already knew. :lol:

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