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So you ran out of intelligent and interesting things to say?







Oh wait ... that happened a long time ago.



Riiiiiiiiight ... so, what you're basically saying is that you're a loony, delusional bastard ...


You're the one who wrote it Jackass!!

I just can't wait... Like Willy Wonka, the suspense is killing me! I wanna see who they close it on!



I have the last Golden Ticket!


I do? :wallbash:

So I've heard ... :wallbash:


You're only as good as your last post. That's what I always say.

Oh s :censored:h# t! ... I'm f :censored: d then!


I think it's extremely important at this junction to point out that not only do I win but you effers will always be losers not loosers, as some jackasses spell it around here, but losers.



One entry found.


* Main Entry: los·er

* Pronunciation: \ˈlü-zər\

* Function: noun

* Date: 1548


1 : a person or thing that loses especially consistently

2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint








One entry found.


* Main Entry: 1loose

* Pronunciation: \ˈlüs\

* Function: adjective

* Inflected Form(s): loos·er; loos·est

* Etymology: Middle English lous, from Old Norse lauss; akin to Old High German lōs loose — more at -less

* Date: 13th century


1 a : not rigidly fastened or securely attached b (1) : having worked partly free from attachments <a loose tooth> (2) : having relative freedom of movement c : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus <a loose cough> d : not tight-fitting

2 a : free from a state of confinement, restraint, or obligation <a lion loose in the streets> <spend loose funds wisely> b : not brought together in a bundle, container, or binding c archaic : disconnected, detached

3 a : not dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement b : not solid : watery <loose stools>

4 a : lacking in restraint or power of restraint <a loose tongue> b : lacking moral restraint : unchaste c : overactive; specifically : marked by frequent voiding especially of watery stools <loose bowels>

5 a : not tightly drawn or stretched : slack b : being flexible or relaxed <stay loose>

6 a : lacking in precision, exactness, or care <loose brushwork> <loose usage> b : permitting freedom of interpretation

7 : not in the possession of either of two competing teams <a loose ball> <a loose puck>


— loose·ly adverb


— loose·ness noun


So let's re-evaluate this. Those who spell loser (looser) are losers. Get it? Got it? Good!

Maimi 33 Georgia Wreck 17.

It wasnt that close.

Just thought you'd want to know.


Why are you telling us about a Miami game? You come off as a Miami fan. Georgia Wreck? If you're a Miami fan then go away.

Why are you telling us about a Miami game? You come off as a Miami fan. Georgia Wreck? If you're a Miami fan then go away.


Hurricanes you Maroon. Georgia Tech, wreck get it?

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