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Last post wins!


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Your thumb is in the way of the lens.

That was a friend taking it. She does crossfit and a workout nut, I told her she needs to try getting some farm work in. She said it is not hard, just tedious. I am at the top in orange, leaning on the tamp.


It kind of sucks for the person in the trailer because they used part of my pasture as their front lawn (I didn't really care, not like they tore it up or anything).


Wow, that's a very good price for all that quality work. You should tip your friend with a bottle of his favorite brain tonic.

The work he did was bore the holes. I set them and put them in line. Some were flooded from recent rain, which slowed me down a lot. Going back out in a bit to get back on it and start running wire later. There is a guy that has a post driver on a skidsteer (a $60-70k setup) who charges $10 to drive a post.


You have to pack them, think linear tension, the straightest structure of a line is a straight line, and the firmer the post is packed the less space it has to absorb air and moisture. The less air and moisture the less rot, the stronger the post and longer the life. This fence should last 30 years, at least; I paid just under $7 per post, and bought 140, plus some special ones. They are 7' 6" long, 4-5" diameter, corner posts I generally go 8' long 7" around, braces 6' 6" 3-4". I have used 10' posts, old light poles and railroad ties. An entire fence line of mine is in railroad ties where a-holes run through it after not stopping at an intersection.

Edited by jboyst62
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Looks like leaning on a golf club to me. :D

One day I will find out why, but you can walk around any part of my property and find golf balls on nearly any occasion in any area. I had went to a neighbors field to get some rocks and found 2 just lying there.

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One day I will find out why, but you can walk around any part of my property and find golf balls on nearly any occasion in any area. I had went to a neighbors field to get some rocks and found 2 just lying there.


Neighbors using the field for practice. I've done it. You figure (in my case) the farmer is just planting crops so a few lost balls in their field isn't going to hurt anything.

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Well, it looks really good till you get pretty far down the line.

Looks like he got way off the mark there where you planted the pink & tan fence post.

Is that something like a buoy marker in a channel?

Nah. Some posts just aren't nice and straight. There were a few that took a lot of yam. The mud made a mess of it

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Game is on tv in the Capitol district .

Even if it was on TV here I doubt I would watch it if not busy. Am going to start stringing wire tomorrow. All posts got in yesterday, hung gates and done up corners and major braces today. All that is left is wire!


anyway, I will have the game blaring on the stereo, I hope my neighbors like the Bills by now.

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