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Had that presentation today at the college. It is amazing how people work. My girlfriend asked me why all the out of shape people asked so many questions and seemed to interested and my honest opinion and answer was that they are the ones stopping and asking questions instead of altering their lifestyle and being active to actually do so. Very interesting.


The numbers I gave out, weight of an animal and how much is fat and how much is muscle compared to grass vs. grain. Big hit the 1 month old McDonalds burger (some a-hole pointed out that a quarter lb'er is 4oz and a standard cheeseburger is like 3oz so my math was a little off...sorry I do not eat McD's!). I had jars showing the amount of fat 1lbs ground beef 90/10 (3T), McD's 4oz burger (1/2T), and 98% grassfed (1.68T). Who knows it if will result in sales, but the best thing is that I got to educate people about the options to buying local. Even the Whole Foods speaker/rep was impressed. It was funny, because she knows nothing about the process their Carolina distributor does. I do. If you want some amazing head spinning info, yeah, PM. I am not posting it here.


Well I am single...

North Carolina has been hiring a ton of positions with the environmental stuff, water quality people, land quality, etc.

Edited by jboyst62
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NoorK is hotter than Lana


Had that presentation today at the college. It is amazing how people work. My girlfriend asked me why all the out of shape people asked so many questions and seemed to interested and my honest opinion and answer was that they are the ones stopping and asking questions instead of altering their lifestyle and being active to actually do so. Very interesting.


If I'm reading your reply/answer correctly, I know when I'm considering a diet/lifestyle change, I'll do a lot of research and ask questions, rather than just changing one morning. Maybe that's what the out of shape people are doing.

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If I'm reading your reply/answer correctly, I know when I'm considering a diet/lifestyle change, I'll do a lot of research and ask questions, rather than just changing one morning. Maybe that's what the out of shape people are doing.

Hmmph. Spun my head around, good point. I just cannot see why someone would let things get that out of hand. By out of shape, I meant many were well over 250 lbs, and well under 6'.

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