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I am in an abusive relationship and I don't know what to do. I find myself irresistably attracted to this particular sports team. I shower affection upon this team, I give support (both financially and emotionally) and I am 100% faithful. I do not even look at other teams. In return, I am treated very cruelly. I have tried to deny it for a very long time, but it's clear to me now that there is a pattern of abuse that has cost me dearly in terms of suffering and damage to my emotional well-being.


I know that I should sever the relationship and that I'll never be happy until I do, but it's hard. I have so much time and effort invested in this relatationship. The team keeps telling me that it's going to do better and that good times are just around the corner. I know that this is the same thing I've been told over and over again for years, but I just want so much to believe it's true!


The other thing is that this particular team is kind of fragile. Other teams make fun of my team and my team is very self-conscious about this. My fear is that without my support, the team might decide that it's not worth it to carry on. I don't know if I could live with myself if something terrible happened to this team.


What I do know for sure is that I cannot continue with the way things have been going. There was an incident this weekend and I was hurt very badly. Afterwards, the team said the usual things about how it's going to do better, etc... and how it can change. But I don't even want to hear it anymore.


Any advice would be appreciated.

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