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So, I have Mulberry, Persimmons, Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Apricot, Nectarine, Peaches, Plums, Apples and getting, Grape/Muscadine, Elderberry and Tayberry soon. In NC it is illegal to have Currant or Gooseberries (lame), but maybe I will get them soon too. I am thinking I need to start tying to get some home brewing started, that combined with the honey I would like to start raising in the next year would be perfect!


I have pecans, too. Need some other nuts, eventually.


edit: for fun, just think you can produce 100gal per person. That'd be like a quarter gallon a day a year.

Edited by jboyst62
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I sent out 30+ emails to heads of the NCDOT, government, and such about the dang bridge they want to put up. Tomorrow is going to be busy with lots of telephone ringing.


I still have to email all the farm and agriculture lobbying and interest groups. Yikes.




Everyone in the Dallas area ok? Bad storms there!

Edited by jboyst62
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I sent out 30+ emails to heads of the NCDOT, government, and such about the dang bridge they want to put up. Tomorrow is going to be busy with lots of telephone ringing.


I still have to email all the farm and agriculture lobbying and interest groups. Yikes.




Everyone in the Dallas area ok? Bad storms there!


So far so good here in Arlington. Raining here since 7 pm CDT with light and heavy storms..

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