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so a little update. All 4 calves are doing great and running around. The downed cow did not make it. She was put down this evening and will go to good use at a dog food rendering plant.


Also, life is just f'n frustrating. Due to new policies by the government Ammonium Nitrate is extremely hard to get ahold of now. Urea (46-0-0) is about $700/ton and a slow releasing nitrate that does not work very well with estrablished grass. Ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) is quick releasing and very cheap, roughly $400 a ton. I buy it by the bag and spread it myself, it is much cheaper this way. If I cannot get NH4NO3 then I am going to spend way more trying to fix this. I cannot afford to use liquid nitrogen.


For those that do not know and want to learn.

46-0-0 is 46% nitrogen per 100 lbs. 0 perecent potash and phosphate. Every time you see the number you need to realize it is by the 100#. All are custom blends and therefor are not as stabile as 10-10-10. which is not an blended compound. It sounds confusing but the weight of the oxygen molecule is inserted in there so it won't always weigh what you think it is supposed to.


What are you trying to fix?

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Fix that 34-0-0 is half the price of 46-0-0 which is not as good at all.

Do you consider yourself a farmer or a rancher? Some stupid mod is calling you a farmer in the thread title, but I've always considered you to be more of a rancher. Which is it?


Fix that 34-0-0 is half the price of 46-0-0 which is not as good at all.

That's exactly how I took your meaning. :thumbsup:


Fix that 34-0-0 is half the price of 46-0-0 which is not as good at all.

So 46 is better than 34? Why don't you buy 34 and add 1/3 more 34 to it. That would give you 45.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 which should be almost as good as 46.

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Do you consider yourself a farmer or a rancher? Some stupid mod is calling you a farmer in the thread title, but I've always considered you to be more of a rancher. Which is it?

Depends how you look at things. Some people say I have a river on my land, some say a creek. Some people say pop some say soda. To me I am a farmer. A farmer is just the best way to say it. A rancher sounds too hoity-toity, too sophisticated, like wearing dress shoes in the barnlot it just doen't do ya right. Of course, my business cards read "Farm Manager" so I guess I am a "farm manager."


That's exactly how I took your meaning. :thumbsup:



So 46 is better than 34? Why don't you buy 34 and add 1/3 more 34 to it. That would give you 45.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 which should be almost as good as 46.

The 46-0-0 is Urea which breaks down over 30+ days and that is not good for grass. Trees, other stuff - yeah. 34-0-0 is volatile and breaks down in less then a day. It goes to the plant and starts it growing immediately. You can mix them but it really won't do much good unless it gets the boost it needs when it starts to grow - now. The more it grows up faster the more leaf foilage will get the plant to grow better roots and healthier to grow faster faster.


You don't use 34-0-0 adding to it, you spread more of it. Say, I do 85 lbs. N/Acre. I would have to spread 250 lbs. bulk material/acre of 34-0-0 as a 50# bag is really only 16-0-0. Make sense?


Now, up there in the cold states they use liquid N to inject directly in the soil at a rate of about 86% nitrogen. It will not evaporate because temperatures are so low. The plant will grab these molecules and use them being that they cannot store N. To a plant N is what sugar is to us. The carbs and the protein are the P and K. The nonessential elements are the vitamins.


Maybe I should start up a thread answering a bunch of these things for all you silly lawn lovers. Just PM if you have any questions, too.

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Depends how you look at things. Some people say I have a river on my land, some say a creek. Some people say pop some say soda. To me I am a farmer. A farmer is just the best way to say it. A rancher sounds too hoity-toity, too sophisticated, like wearing dress shoes in the barnlot it just doen't do ya right. Of course, my business cards read "Farm Manager" so I guess I am a "farm manager."

I will consider you a high end farmer, but around here you'd be a rancher and you'd hate sheep. Do you hate sheep?


The 46-0-0 is Urea which breaks down over 30+ days and that is not good for grass. Trees, other stuff - yeah. 34-0-0 is volatile and breaks down in less then a day. It goes to the plant and starts it growing immediately. You can mix them but it really won't do much good unless it gets the boost it needs when it starts to grow - now. The more it grows up faster the more leaf foilage will get the plant to grow better roots and healthier to grow faster faster.


You don't use 34-0-0 adding to it, you spread more of it. Say, I do 85 lbs. N/Acre. I would have to spread 250 lbs. bulk material/acre of 34-0-0 as a 50# bag is really only 16-0-0. Make sense?


Now, up there in the cold states they use liquid N to inject directly in the soil at a rate of about 86% nitrogen. It will not evaporate because temperatures are so low. The plant will grab these molecules and use them being that they cannot store N. To a plant N is what sugar is to us. The carbs and the protein are the P and K. The nonessential elements are the vitamins.


Maybe I should start up a thread answering a bunch of these things for all you silly lawn lovers. Just PM if you have any questions, too.

So, I had it backwards and 34 > 46? In that case can you take some 46 and remove 1/3 of it? That would get you close to 34. I'm not sure if I'm being helpful, but I think that you need to start thinking out of the box to solve this one. You aren't a terrorist are you? I'd hate to be giving this type of advice to a terrorist.

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They are two totally different types of fertilizer. The 46-0-0 is a lower volatily fertilizer that is Urea based. It is a slow releasing fertilizer rescheduled for new grass sands or yards. The 34-0-0 is a highly volatile oxidizer that is ammonia nitrate derived. It is way terrorists do use due to its chemical characteristics. Those same characteristics make it a great fertilizer because it gets n the soil thru seepage to the roots with a little bit of moisture. It will nearly completely oxidize/evaporate in 3 hours in poor conditions. It can be less then that once water hits it.

it is apples and oranges and nothing like the 10-10-10 people are used to, and fact do put some10-10-10 on your lawn but also grab 2 bags per acre of Urea (46-0-0) it will make a difference keeping it greener longer, but do this in late may early june.

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They are two totally different types of fertilizer. The 46-0-0 is a lower volatily fertilizer that is Urea based. It is a slow releasing fertilizer rescheduled for new grass sands or yards. The 34-0-0 is a highly volatile oxidizer that is ammonia nitrate derived. It is way terrorists do use due to its chemical characteristics. Those same characteristics make it a great fertilizer because it gets n the soil thru seepage to the roots with a little bit of moisture. It will nearly completely oxidize/evaporate in 3 hours in poor conditions. It can be less then that once water hits it.

it is apples and oranges and nothing like the 10-10-10 people are used to, and fact do put some10-10-10 on your lawn but also grab 2 bags per acre of Urea (46-0-0) it will make a difference keeping it greener longer, but do this in late may early june.

This is way too confusing. I'm going to hire a gardener.

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