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Last post wins!


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hey, no one's ever called "shotgun" on last post.

though, the phrase is generally recognized when approaching a car for a long or short trip, i've been advised by my crack legal team that it does translate beyond the realm of vehicle.


recent evidence has been uncovered that Christopher Columbus used "shotgun" (it's a loose translation) when calling on who gets North America first. (unbeknownst to him, the native indians and Vikings had made similar calls, which is why the court case has yet to be resolved.)

and that is but one example.

Biblical texts show that Moses called "shotgun" prior to heading up the hill to get those famed tablets. and i could go on ...


be that as it may, given the international legal precedence invoked in making such a declaration, i heretofor call "shotgun" on last post.


i win.



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yes, winners generally require a driver when it comes to parades. thanks for offering gs. :w00t:




I can't drive. I've shotgunned eleven PBR's already. Happy gringo de mayo, everybody!



Anyway, let’s face it: Wawrow has won the thing. His shotgun defense is water-tight. He called it, so you gotta give it to him. Shut the damn thing down.

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