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Last post wins!


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I get to go climbing through an attic pulling 100' of 3/4" cable today.


I have two four hour teacher certification exams tomorrow morning! I guess no fun for me this evening. :thumbsup:


Btw, Happy Friday!

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Just then, BuffaloBill peeled away his mask, revealing himself as the pirate ghost that had been giving them all fits....





I peeled away my mask only to reveal that I am Jim Kelly. Being the last decent QB for the Bills I have decided to be like Faurve and come out of retirement. Chan released a statement in the press saying"......

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I peeled away my mask only to reveal that I am Jim Kelly. Being the last decent QB for the Bills I have decided to be like Faurve and come out of retirement. Chan released a statement in the press saying"......

who's buffalobill?" before addressing certain copyright concerns with JustJack, wondering if he in fact had won yet and ...

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Happy Friday!


Nothing makes a Friday great like an M4 with 3 round burst!


God I love going to the range, just wish we did it more.


I'm not much of a gun guy, but last weekend I went to an outdoor range with an Iraqi war vet buddy of mine (he's going to Afghanistan in June). We fired 3 weapons, a 12 gauge, a semi-automatic .22 pistol, and a .308 sniper rifle. The .308 was very cool, I managed a couple of nice hits on a paper target from 100 yards, couldn't hit balloons from 150 though. The 12 gauge had a hell of a kick so I only used it a few times, I wasn't interested in collecting bruises. I actually had the most fun popping off 10 rounds at a time with the little .22. :angry:

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