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Last post wins!


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Sure. John Wawrow got drunk and told us all about his disappointment in our constantly boring and banal replies. The overall quality of posts increased significantly as a result. Among other things, a happy consensus was reached on the discussion of a unified theory of physics, the origin of the universe and mankind’s ultimate purpose. Then Beerball kept insisting it’s Friday when it’s not and everything kind of fell apart again.


Is it Friday yet?

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Sure. John Wawrow got drunk and told us all about his disappointment in our constantly boring and banal replies. The overall quality of posts increased significantly as a result. Among other things, a happy consensus was reached on the discussion of a unified theory of physics, the origin of the universe and mankind’s ultimate purpose. Then Beerball kept insisting it’s Friday when it’s not and everything kind of fell apart again.

oh sure, blame me for this train wreck.


anybody who's anybody realizes that i'm significantly impaired. just ask wawrow, he'll confirm what i'm saying.

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Good morning everyone!


12+ hours without a post, and the last post before this was mine.


I think that deserves some sort of prize.....




There won't be a prize, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.

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Ok, story time. Each of us, willing to participate, will write a paragraph to follow the last paragraph of the story in the thread. Please keep politics and religion out of the story. Also quote the last paragraph in the post please.


Robert Forapples walked along the canal. The sound of the birds chirping and the smell of lilacs in the air brought a soothing feeling over him. He couldn't help thinking about his wife and how she died and it stabbed him the noggin every time he thought of her. He continued on down the path of the canal trying to push the mischievous thoughts out of his headbone. His grandmother had always told him that the foul stench of his farts would someday lead to tragedy but he thought she was joking. He will never eat corned beef and cabbage again after what happened, never. It had only been a joke to dutch oven Eunice but it went wrong, very wrong. Suddenly the tears began to fall from his eyes and he had a sudden craving for Taco Bell bean burrito.

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Will someone please close the window, it's raining and i dont want my cat to get wet.

MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark

All the sweet, green icing flowing down...

Someone left the cake out in the rain

I don't think that I can take it

'Cause it took so long to bake it

And I'll never have that recipe again

Oh, no!

Oh, no

No, no

Oh NO!!

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