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Mr. Khan

J. Tibirius Kirk Ave.

Intercourse, PA 66600


You task me. You task me and I shall kill you! I'll chase you 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give you up! Wrath Schmath bring it on bonius headius. :P





Does your wife know you're using her computer? <_<


:lol:Star Trek thing? Who the F is talking about Star Trek? :doh:


I read a pretty amusing quote in PPP today, don't know if you saw it...




Now I know what he means.


You should have known what he means a long time ago. :beer:




Yes, and because we made so much money, I was able to buy this pretty pink gown! 0:)





I'm assuming the video can be found in the horror or comedy section. :doh::lol: Maybe it's in the medical section being sold as a non chemical ipecac.

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