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Was it Drews Fault? Was it Henrys???


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There has been a lot of speculation that maybe the whipping boy (Drew) wasn't really the problem. Maybe it was Travis that wasn't getting the job done. Before anyone singles out these two players, couldn't there be a slight chance that it was the coaching?


Look, it seems we all expected MM and crew to hit the ground running. BUT didn't everyone say before the season that:


A.) this is a playoff team if Mularkey can get his sh*t in gear from day 1


B.) This year could be a struggle if Mularkey has growing pains.



I think Willis has added a spark and I think Drew is playing better. But I also think the o-line is playing better, the d-line is playing better and the coaching has generally improved. The uses of Bannan on OL, very creative and pretty effective. Putting Evans in the starting lineup and giving him a larger role.


Honestly guys, I just think we got choice B. It took MM some time to get his sh*t together and it took some time for our players to gel and adjust to his system. I mean hell, half of them must have almost died from shock the first time we RAN IT on a 3rd and short in practice :D ...( :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Gilbride).


I dont know if Drew is the answer or the anti-christ he is made out to be. I don't truly know if McGahee is the only reason we are winning. But I do notice that ON THE WHOLE, this team is playing much better and is learning how to win. I think that is a testament of the progression of a new coach.



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There were many reasons for the Bills' early-season failures. However people believed the stevestojan that Bledsoe couldn't win games and used him as a convenient scapegoat. I was always saying that once the guys around him stopped making 10X the errors as a whole, the Bills would start winning and Bledsoe would look good.

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There has been a lot of speculation that maybe the whipping boy (Drew) wasn't really the problem. Maybe it was Travis that wasn't getting the job done. Before anyone singles out these two players, couldn't there be a slight chance that it was the coaching?


Look, it seems we all expected MM and crew to hit the ground running. BUT didn't everyone say before the season that:


A.) this is a playoff team if Mularkey can get his sh*t in gear from day 1


B.) This year could be a struggle if Mularkey has growing pains.

I think Willis has added a spark and I think Drew is playing better. But I also think the o-line is playing better, the d-line is playing better and the coaching has generally improved. The uses of Bannan on OL, very creative and pretty effective. Putting Evans in the starting lineup and giving him a larger role.


Honestly guys, I just think we got choice B. It took MM some time to get his sh*t together and it took some time for our players to gel and adjust to his system. I mean hell, half of them must have almost died from shock the first time we RAN IT on a 3rd and short in practice :D ...( :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Gilbride).


I dont know if Drew is the answer or the anti-christ he is made out to be. I don't truly know if McGahee is the only reason we are winning. But I do notice that ON THE WHOLE, this team is playing much better and is learning how to win. I think that is a testament of the progression of a new coach.




every year every team qb's get too much credit when winning and too much blame when losing.........it's a work in progress and I agree that Mularkey and crew need time to for their plan to work.............the only thing established is they found their starting back without too much controversy and they can beat weak teams and be dangerous at home.............still a long way to go but if you want to win next week your best chance is with Bledsoe....if you want to win consistently take some growing pains with Losman

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I have bashed Drew as much as the next guy. But Drew is playing better by Willis taking the load off of his shoulders.


1) Drew actually spun out of a defenders grasp which would not have happened ear;ier in the year.


2) He took off running a couple of times.


3) And here is the biggie, Willis is getting 30+ plus carries so Drew can play action easier and the defenders are not blitzing every down like earlier in the year.


3a) By the defenders not blitzing as much, the OL is magically starting to look better.


3b) Willis is a better pass blocker as well


In conclusion, Willis is bringing up everyones play by his ability to run the ball.

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I think the offensive line not having a whole lot of chemistry in the beginning hurt us alot. They were banged up for the preseason and didnt have anytime to work a whole lot together. Over the past couple weeks, they are starting to come together and it shows. We are suppose to be a "power" running team, and we didnt have that attitude to be that type of offense early in the year.

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Can't tell yet, as I haven't had a chance to watch the game, I'll check it out tonight.

Drew did look good in the highlights, KEEP IT UP! :D




I think I can tell already. Drew Bledsoe is on the downhill side of his career and has many of the same frustrating limitations that he has always had as a player.


However, with great coaching from legends like Parcells and BB, it is possible and it has actually happened that Bledsoe can QB a team to the SB or can play QB in the majority of a must win game for your team.


Basically all I have said repetitively pretty much all along is that the Bledsoe haters who have repetitively declared him a statue and bent statistics (as any of us can bend stats to prove our point) to claim he has always been a loser are simply wrong.


They are wrong NOT because Bledsoe is a great player or even a marginally acceptable QB running the Kevin Killdrive nonfense (it works wonderfully until opponents get a little tape and someone who knows football and Bledsoe well like BB provides a template on how to neutralize him.


They were wrong because the contention that Bledsoe can never be a winner is different that the reality where Bledsoe was a winner with Parcells constantly saying throw the damn ball, different than the reality where BB/Weis have him running an offense rebuilt for Brady and his teammates have practiced all week depening on each other rather than depending on Bledsoe's great arm.


The Bledsoe haters were wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.


The key to understanding analyzing this is to recognize that simply because the B;edsoe haters were wrong, this does not mean that the equally vacuous Bledsoe lovers were right.


Bledsoe is not a good enough QB (certainly not now on the backside of his career and actually not even before at his peak) to make a team a winner when they depend on his golden arm as their primary weapon.


Bledsoe still has a great arm and in wind speeds which seem to consistently be as high as 25-20 miles an hour he can throw passes the Jay Fiedlers can not throw at consistent wind speeds of 15-20 miles an hour. However, winds gust and no one can throw accurately when the gusts get up to 40 (as they sometimes did yesterday).


Further, Bledsoe plays like he is trained to play as an NFL QB and throws the ball the same way everytime. Unfortunately this means the boy has no touch and he zings 'em in there when it is a pass that is going 12 yards downfield at the same speed and pace as when he is winging them 25 yards downfield on the to Evans in the corner of the endzone.


The pro receiver is good at his game (if he is good) and catches everything that hits his hands. Unfortunately, the lack of touch that Bledsoe has (some because he does not have the football brain of a Montana and some by training in the oversystematized NFL he throws it the same way every single time) means the pro receiver better be good or he is going to have the ball bounce off his pads if he tries to catch it with his body and is too much of a weenie to catch and control it with his hands.


To make it work with Bledsoe the HC/OC have to not fall in love with Bledsoe's arm as Kevin Killdrive did when got pass-happy and use Bledsoe (who is still a threat that defenses must lay back an prepare for because he can throw the long ball in the wind to Evans for a completions) as a change-up rather than depending upon him.


If your analysis is the same as mine when you watch. You will see an offenisve TEAM which uses an RB and uses him again to get 3.5 yards per carry and that is good enough to be effective in the winters at Rich.


I think the big difference yesterday was that finally with the alarm clock standing in for Parcells yelling and some good outside of the box redzone playcalling such as the Jumbo package using Bannan filling in for BB's brain the Bills braintrust has figured out how to win by running the ball and running again and using Bledsoe effectively rather than over-depending upon him.


Unfortunately with some bad breaks at 0-4 it may be too late, but next weeks game will be a put up or shut moment on the road that I love watching football for.

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I have bashed Drew as much as the next guy. But Drew is playing better by Willis taking the load off of his shoulders.


1) Drew actually spun out of a defenders grasp which would not have happened ear;ier in the year.


2) He took off running a couple of times.


3) And here is the biggie, Willis is getting 30+ plus carries so Drew can play action easier and the defenders are not blitzing every down like earlier in the year.


3a) By the defenders not blitzing as much, the OL is magically starting to look better.


3b) Willis is a better pass blocker as well


In conclusion, Willis is bringing up everyones play by his ability to run the ball.



>>>In conclusion, Willis is bringing up everyones play by his ability to run the ball.<<<


You see, I agree with this post except the above sentence.


It is more than his ability to run. Henry can run. Willis is a football player. He blocks, catches passes, and knows which way to go on pass routes.

I have little need to bash Henry any longer. The coaches have spoken, and put the better football player on the field. It has resulted in the Bills winning 3 football games.

Willis will certainly have his growing pains, but he offers us the hope of a great back in the great state of NY. If Tucker has a few more games like he had Sunday, this team will surprise people this year.

Oh, and yes, I will make the statement that Drew was taking heat for the dumb mistakes of Henry this season.

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Guest Guest_Oneida Lake_*



Further, Bledsoe plays like he is trained to play as an NFL QB and throws the ball the same way everytime. Unfortunately this means the boy has no touch and he zings 'em in there when it is a pass that is going 12 yards downfield at the same speed and pace as when he is winging them 25 yards downfield on the to Evans in the corner of the endzone.


The pro receiver is good at his game (if he is good) and catches everything that hits his hands. Unfortunately, the lack of touch that Bledsoe has (some because he does not have the football brain of a Montana and some by training in the oversystematized NFL he throws it the same way every single time) means the pro receiver better be good or he is going to have the ball bounce off his pads if he tries to catch it with his body and is too much of a weenie to catch and control it with his hands.



What game were you watching? Bledsoe threw 3 absolutely beautiful "touch" passes yesterday. 1. TD pass 2. Moulds sideline right high lob 3rd down conversion 3 Final pass to Evans to seal the game was a perfect "touch" pass.


The guy is going to pass 40,000 yards this year. He can throw lasers and touch passes (and do so in the wind)

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I dont know if Drew is the answer or the anti-christ he is made out to be. I don't truly know if McGahee is the only reason we are winning. But I do notice that ON THE WHOLE, this team is playing much better and is learning how to win. I think that is a testament of the progression of a new coach.





I think you're right...The addition of McGahee and a few extra weeks of running MM's system have been the difference...


But as a devoted Bledsoe Basher I can say with certainty that I never remotely compared Drew to Satan himself...I mean come on, the anti-christ? Even I would oppose bashing to that extent...I mean, I can understand exaduration to make a point, but... B)

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