VABills Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Seems like those wonderful northern states are all for racial equality as long as it applies only the conservative Christian Southeners. When it comes to their backyard, they want nothing to do with it. Open minded northerners, what a joke.
Steely Dan Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Seems like those wonderful northern states are all for racial equality as long as it applies only the conservative Christian Southeners. When it comes to their backyard, they want nothing to do with it. Open minded northerners, what a joke. Explain that please?
KD in CA Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Much ado about nothing, but the racism industry badly needs a shot in the arm, so I guess this will be it. No one's rights were violated here. Two private organizations reached an agreement for specific services to be provided. One of those parties subsequently terminated the agreement and refunded the fees in full. Now maybe there is a contract law dispute to be had if there wasn't a termination for convenience clause, but for this to suddenly be the big story for the national media is a joke. Then again, the Jackson story is running out of steam and no pretty white girls have been kidnapped lately, so people need something to talk about. Maybe we'll get lucky and there will be a shark attack in Florida today.
PastaJoe Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Valley Club president John Duesler's color-coded explanation, which he gave to NBC10 Tuesday: "There is a lot of concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion . . . and the atmosphere of the club."
Steely Dan Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 The latest on it. Really not a lot more than the other article.
blzrul Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Racism is not the sole property of the South, although some areas seem to have perfected it. Look at all those skinheads in Michigan, Ohio, etc. There have been incidents in New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Seattle, DC...and more. The South gets the rap for it because it was pretty much institutionalized for a long time and there are still some pretty overt cases. This case is hard to comprehend. It certainly sounds racist, so blatantly that one has to wonder how stupid these people are, both for signing the contract to allow busloads of screaming little kids to use the pool AND for the way they handled it. If I were a member of the club, I personally wouldn't want my peace invaded by a bunch of little kids of ANY color...
VABills Posted July 10, 2009 Author Posted July 10, 2009 Explain that please? Inbreeding is what the South does best. Horsecrap. I was referring to the captions under all of those lovely pictures. Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky...the heart of compassionate Baptist America. I gladly admit I'm prejudiced against these types just as they gladly admit their prejudice against most everyone else. People in the South are generally friendly if you're not black or Jewish. I lived in Mississippi for 3 years. There is NO comparison between the racism in the NE (which certainly exists) and the racism in the deep south (where using the term !@#$ among a group of whites is commonplace).
VABills Posted July 10, 2009 Author Posted July 10, 2009 Racism is not the sole property of the South, although some areas seem to have perfected it. Look at all those skinheads in Michigan, Ohio, etc. There have been incidents in New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Seattle, DC...and more. The South gets the rap for it because it was pretty much institutionalized for a long time and there are still some pretty overt cases. This case is hard to comprehend. It certainly sounds racist, so blatantly that one has to wonder how stupid these people are, both for signing the contract to allow busloads of screaming little kids to use the pool AND for the way they handled it. If I were a member of the club, I personally wouldn't want my peace invaded by a bunch of little kids of ANY color... Deb, When I was listening to this on the news getting dressed today, they had a bunch of the folks not wanted back being interviewed. they said folks in the club where saying things like "I don't want that black kid rubbing against me" and "I paid money here so I don't have to swim with them". Either the club is being racist, or the people being interviewed were being "reverse racist" and trying to get sympathy on their side.
Chef Jim Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Racism is not the sole property of the South, although some areas seem to have perfected it. Look at all those skinheads in Michigan, Ohio, etc. There have been incidents in New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Seattle, DC...and more. The South gets the rap for it because it was pretty much institutionalized for a long time and there are still some pretty overt cases. This case is hard to comprehend. It certainly sounds racist, so blatantly that one has to wonder how stupid these people are, both for signing the contract to allow busloads of screaming little kids to use the pool AND for the way they handled it. If I were a member of the club, I personally wouldn't want my peace invaded by a bunch of little kids of ANY color... But you know that's not what happened. They probably welcomed the group of children to their pool, especially seeing they came with a check for nearly $2000. But when they arrived it probably went like this: "Black? They're black? All of them?? Oh no, this will never do." Why they didn't realize this when the check came from Alethea Wright is beyond me.
GG Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 This case is hard to comprehend. It certainly sounds racist, so blatantly that one has to wonder how stupid these people are, both for signing the contract to allow busloads of screaming little kids to use the pool AND for the way they handled it. If I were a member of the club, I personally wouldn't want my peace invaded by a bunch of little kids of ANY color... My guess is that none of the club members ever saw Caddyshack.
The Poojer Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 i posted this link on the main board and i am really surprised that this one isn't being brought up more than it is Akron family attack(allegedly)
The Poojer Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 i thought the exact same thing...the complexion and atmosphere of that private pool in caddyshack was seriously altered by those rambunctious caddie........ My guess is that none of the club members ever saw Caddyshack.
Gene Frenkle Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 No, no, you have it all wrong. Southerners corner the market on fat-assedness, not racism. Why Are Southerners So Fat?
The Poojer Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 and FYI...from Merriam Webster Dictionary, pay attention to #4..... Main Entry: com·plex·ion Pronunciation: \kəm-ˈplek-shən\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin complexion-, complexio, from Latin, combination, from complecti Date: 14th century 1: the combination of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities held in medieval physiology to determine the quality of a body 2 a: an individual complex of ways of thinking or feeling b: a complex of attitudes and inclinations 3: the hue or appearance of the skin and especially of the face <a dark complexion> 4: overall aspect or character <by changing the complexion of the legislative branch
John Adams Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Good one VA. Keep up the misguided notion that the South is less racist than the North and add it to your list of things you're clueless about. Racism surely exists everywhere and it is much worse in the Southern states. I have still never seen the kinds of overt and accepted racism I see in the South. Most of my experiences are from Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana.
Gene Frenkle Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 i posted this link on the main board and i am really surprised that this one isn't being brought up more than it is Akron family attack(allegedly) His account definately constitutes a hate crime.
DC Tom Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Is anyone else completely !@#$ing amazed that VABills spelled "hypocrisy" correctly?
Gene Frenkle Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Is anyone else completely !@#$ing amazed that VABills spelled "hypocrisy" correctly? If there's any word he should spell correctly, it's hypocrisy. Spell checkers help too.
Steely Dan Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 I meant why you thought; Seems like those wonderful northern states are all for racial equality as long as it applies only the conservative Christian Southeners. When it comes to their backyard, they want nothing to do with it. Open minded northerners, what a joke. You are generalizing way too much. There are conservative Christian southerners who aren't racist and not everybody in the north is a racist either. It seems like you are trying to say that all of each are one way. It's not totally true either way. You have to admit racism is far more prevalent in the south though. Whether religions enter into it I don't specifically know.
VABills Posted July 10, 2009 Author Posted July 10, 2009 Good one VA. Keep up the misguided notion that the South is less racist than the North and add it to your list of things you're clueless about. Racism surely exists everywhere and it is much worse in the Southern states. I have still never seen the kinds of overt and accepted racism I see in the South. Most of my experiences are from Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana. So you make ignorant statements with no facts and you call me clueless. Just because you live in guarded circles and the only time you went out of it in the south you were offended doesn't make it true.
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