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The Adrian Wilson Cruise missile strike

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Poll: How many want to see a Groundhog day repeat of that play?


Do we want to see the first down in a blowout game followed by the misery of weeks of Losman, or do we want to see a QB that shows some wisdom? Also, did I load that question enough?


Hint: Who's Edward's backup now?

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Poll: How many want to see a Groundhog day repeat of that play?


Do we want to see the first down in a blowout game followed by the misery of weeks of Losman, or do we want to see a QB that shows some wisdom? Also, did I load that question enough?


Hint: Who's Edward's backup now?

I know you are new here, but give it a rest. You keep replying to your own comments!!

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I know you are new here, but give it a rest. You keep replying to your own comments!!


Any other sage advice?


Here's some for you: I've kept it to football, and intend to keep it that way. How about you shut your hole...

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OK, let's nit-pick a little more then. How about 'perfectly' relative to the running start he got before the snap of the ball.


Great play by Edwards, indeed.




Just saying...everyone on youtube thinks that hit was so awesome. It was an awesome hit, true; but it wasn't a sack, didn't affect the play, and resulted in a first down. Me thinks the Cards would have been better off not blitzing and leaving Hardy open over the middle.

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I would say.. Trent needs to learn how to take a hit. All the best QBs get hit, but if you watch, rarely do they take a direct hit like that. They sense the hit coming and move up, back or somewhere so its not a direct bone crushing hit. Replay the exact same play, but imagine Trent taking a few small steps to his left or back just prior to the throw and Wilson still hits him but probably without the concussing effects and Trent still completes the pass. So I would say Trent needs to learn to anticipate the hits (as well as his receivers getting open) better. However, you could say that about most all 2nd year QBs.

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Makes good sense.


Trent delivered a first down in the face of that certain blast, but to me, I'm not sure he ever made it back 100%.

I agree! TE was a different QB after coming back from the concussion. It's a shame, he had a nice start to the season.


I would say.. Trent needs to learn how to take a hit. All the best QBs get hit, but if you watch, rarely do they take a direct hit like that. They sense the hit coming and move up, back or somewhere so its not a direct bone crushing hit. Replay the exact same play, but imagine Trent taking a few small steps to his left or back just prior to the throw and Wilson still hits him but probably without the concussing effects and Trent still completes the pass. So I would say Trent needs to learn to anticipate the hits (as well as his receivers getting open) better. However, you could say that about most all 2nd year QBs.

Watch film on Favre! he's pretty much running the opposite direction of the rush after he throws the ball. He took some hits early in his career, but learned how to avoid them in order to extend his career!

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I would say.. Trent needs to learn how to take a hit. All the best QBs get hit, but if you watch, rarely do they take a direct hit like that. They sense the hit coming and move up, back or somewhere so its not a direct bone crushing hit. Replay the exact same play, but imagine Trent taking a few small steps to his left or back just prior to the throw and Wilson still hits him but probably without the concussing effects and Trent still completes the pass. So I would say Trent needs to learn to anticipate the hits (as well as his receivers getting open) better. However, you could say that about most all 2nd year QBs.



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What should have happened on the (essentially season-ending) hit by Adrian Wilson?


He was never picked-up by anyone. He was out there drooling all day, and yet it unfolded like a rabbit walking into a wolf's mouth.


Should Edwards have checked out? Called a time out? Should the RB or Walker made an adjustment? What?


...or was it simply an act of god, like a hurricane?


I'm pretty sure the play called for hitting the hot route when it looked like a blitzer came free. If I remember correctly, Trent saw Wilson coming, but held on to the ball a little longer to try to make the play to the hot route. Can't remember if he hit it, but I think that's what happened.

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I agree! TE was a different QB after coming back from the concussion. It's a shame, he had a nice start to the season.


That start had me feeling so happy...


...still, in the back of my mind, there was the dread of the second shoe falling.


anybody else?

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Any other sage advice?


Here's some for you: I've kept it to football, and intend to keep it that way. How about you shut your hole...

Ah, another one with internet muscles!! Welcome tough guy.

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I would say.. Trent needs to learn how to take a hit. All the best QBs get hit, but if you watch, rarely do they take a direct hit like that. They sense the hit coming and move up, back or somewhere so its not a direct bone crushing hit. Replay the exact same play, but imagine Trent taking a few small steps to his left or back just prior to the throw and Wilson still hits him but probably without the concussing effects and Trent still completes the pass. So I would say Trent needs to learn to anticipate the hits (as well as his receivers getting open) better. However, you could say that about most all 2nd year QBs.


I don't think he needs to learn how to take a hit, he needs to learn how to avoid the hit. One thing I noticed from him - which could be good or bad - is that he seems to be trying to impress his teammates with how tough he is. I think we can agree that trent is not a tough football player - he's not a wuss, but he's not going to break Brett Farve's consecutive games for a QB record. As a result, he should learn that he can better serve the team by making sure he plays all 16 games rather than leap into the endzone for a TD. Sometimes he seems afraid to make a mistake (i.e. quick to dump off, not readily throwing into coverage, etc), which might just go away once he is more comfortable in his skin.

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The Bills actually got the better of the Cards on that play. Trent read the blitz and hit Hardy for the first down. Successful play. An unsuccessful blitz by the cards. 9/10 times, trent takes a shot on that, gets up and the drive continues. We just happened to get unlucky with the dirty helmet-to-helmet shot.

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Ah, another one with internet muscles!! Welcome tough guy.


I appreciate your sincere welcoming-like gesture. We're sure to become fast friends.


Think the Bills will win a divisional game this season? If so, who will they beat?

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I appreciate your sincere welcoming-like gesture. We're sure to become fast friends.


Think the Bills will win a divisional game this season? If so, who will they beat?

I think we split with the Dolphins and Jets and lose 2 to the Pats*.

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The Bills actually got the better of the Cards on that play. Trent read the blitz and hit Hardy for the first down. Successful play. An unsuccessful blitz by the cards. 9/10 times, trent takes a shot on that, gets up and the drive continues. We just happened to get unlucky with the dirty helmet-to-helmet shot.




...then Losman came in and lead the Bills to a 41-17 defeat, and a plunge off a cliff.

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First off, there are no absolutes in amateur play analysis...what you see when you look at the play is not the end-all, be-all of incontravertible fact. It's an opinion (unless, of course, you're secretly coach kugler, which if you are, i demand you admit to it and end all speculation).


Secondly, you either never played football or have a short memory of the game, because line calls and yes, line audibles happen all the time. Linemen are responsible for coordinating and often changing their blocking assignments depending upon how the defense lines up. This is something that occurs even in high school football, and I'm certain that Walker has done it in the NFL.


Thirdly, since my access to streaming video is limited at the moment, what was royal's assignment on the play? was he assigned to help walker? was he assigned to run a pass pattern? if either of those things are true, then what exactly did he do wrong?


Fourthly, i'm more concerned with blocking the guy that actually blitzes as opposed to throwing your collective hands up in the air and saying "oops, guess we accounted for the wrong guy". other teams don't seem to have a problem blocking buffalo's blitzers, even when we (gasp!) show a blitz from one location and actually bring pressure from another area. also, what details do you know of the bills' blocking scheme that would lead you to believe that the MLB is the first assignment, since everything I was ever taught about the game indicates that, especially against a 3-4 team, blocking assignments start from the outside in?


Fifthly, what does Edwards getting rid of the ball have to do with whether or not the blitzing safety was blocked effectively? he got there, made a huge hit, and gave the QB a concussion, I'd say that's not effective blocking, perhaps you and i have a different definition of effective blocking. mine, as it were, includes not getting your QB killed.


Lastly, I find it funny that nobody (not even Christ himself no less) would've had a chance to block wilson, but the rest of this board breaks out the pitchforks for jason peters failing to block pretty much the exact same blitz from abram elam against the jets. duality? methinks so.


Wow, struck a nerve, I see.


There are absolutes in football and in analysis of it, regardless of pro or amateur status. I'm not going to defend the time I've been around football nor the opportunities I've had over the last 35 years to discuss it with professionals on every level (from HS to the pros). Doesn't matter. It's not important to you in the least. But it makes me extremely confident that I'm doing more than just guessing.


Of course lineman make line calls. They just don't read safeties. That's the QB's first read. Simple. Line audibles are made to account for the gap coverages relative to the defensive front presented. OLmen ARE NOT looking at safeties. So stop with that BS right now.


Royal was releasing on the play to run a route. And didn't even look in Wilson's direction even though he was closest to him at the snap. But Wilson wasn't Royal's responsibility anyway. The Cards faked inside LB blitzes. Wanna bet line calls were made to compensate for the middle threat? Of course they were. Want to know the RTs first responsibility to that threat? A push to the inside. Protect the middle. Shortest distance, AGAIN.


It may not matter to you or make a difference that TE was able to make the play but it said A LOT about his ability as a QB. Proper read, proper throw. It wasn't his fault he took a cheap shot that resulted in a 25k fine to Wilson.


It's just one of those things that happen in football. QBs get injured. Sometimes it's the blatant missed assignment by an OLman, RB, WR, TE, or the QBs own plain ignorance. Whatever. In this case it was a good call by the Cards, well executed by Wilson, regardless of the cheap shot.


Bottom line in this case is that no reasonable football person is going to put ANY blame on Walker to have done ANYTHING other than what he did on the play, which was to play his assignment. It's a LOT like the play against the Jets. Peters made the absolute correct play relative to the blitz threat presented (once again, help to the inside), Elam, like Wilson had a running start, and made a good play. The ONLY difference is that Losman NEVER read the safety like he should have.


End of story. Absolutely.



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and p.s. that was a clean hit. just because you love trent and he got hurt doesn't mean it was a dirty play.


If it was a clean hit, why did Wilson get fined 25k by the league after it was reviewed?


So, it's because I'm a 'Trent Lover' that you take exception to my superior knowledge. I was fine with the debate until you crossed that line.


So I'll just ask, is there no end to what you can pull out of your ass? First you got OTs reading safety blitzes and now you got clean hits being fined by the league.


Keep those hits coming.



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