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Why Trent Edwards will lead and Terrell Owens will follow

Guest dog14787

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As a good leader for our Football Team Trent Edwards must supply three essential ingredients. His primary goal is to provide a stable environment and establish a feeling of well being for his fellow teammates. The next thing he must do is to instill a sense of security for his teammates and thirdly Trent Edwards must supply them with one set of beliefs, one direction, one common goal they must all reach.


Its common knowledge here on TSW that I already have great respect and admiration for Trent Edwards so early on in his career even though the fruits of his labor have been slow to materialize. Mentally and athletically Trent Edwards has all the tools you would want in a QB. He's smart, dedicated, unselfish, accurate, has a good arm, he's good on his feet and is willing to do anything to help his football team. What really sets Trent Edwards apart from the average QB in the NFL in my mind is his leadership abilities.


Trent Edwards is a Championship caliber QB in the makings and will one day lead our Buffalo Bills back to the Superbowl.


I Billieve...



While I understand that there is potential .... did you watch the Cleveland game last year? Edwards went to pieces and IMO lost that game for the Bills. 3 picks and looked like a deer in the headlights until the final drive. Every game after that it was essentially a copycat defense - rush 2 or 3 and drop the rest into coverage and Edwards had no answer.


I think he has the tools but he could easily flame out also.

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While I understand that there is potential .... did you watch the Cleveland game last year? Edwards went to pieces and IMO lost that game for the Bills. 3 picks and looked like a deer in the headlights until the final drive. Every game after that it was essentially a copycat defense - rush 2 or 3 and drop the rest into coverage and Edwards had no answer.


I think he has the tools but he could easily flame out also.

Running the ball more could have helped.

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Guest dog14787
It's a waste of time to even make statements like this. None of us here have any idea on what the dynamics of the locker room are.


I'm no psychoanalyst, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night ( kidding )


T.O. gives us legitimacy, TE gives us direction and with everyone working together the Buffalo Bills can accomplish big things.


Just my personal observations fellas, and I see TE helping lay the foundation for a good Football team.

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On offense the first thing a successful team needs is a "You can't f#ck with us attitude".


TE & TO & LEE & Marshmellow & our tight ends & second tier WRs do not espouse that attitude.


At tackle I think Butler has it, but not Walker. Hopefully Hangartner does we will have to see.


That leaves us counting on two rookies, Wood & Levitre to join with Butler & Hanger to set the tone of the Offense.


Sounds like a recipe for 7-9.

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Guest dog14787
On offense the first thing a successful team needs is a "You can't f#ck with us attitude".


TE & TO & LEE & Marshmellow & our tight ends & second tier WRs do not espouse that attitude.


At tackle I think Butler has it, but not Walker. Hopefully Hangartner does we will have to see.


That leaves us counting on two rookies, Wood & Levitre to join with Butler & Hanger to set the tone of the Offense.


Sounds like a recipe for 7-9.


Respect is something that has to be earned, but its coming, Offense, Defense, Special Teams, its coming.

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I don't believe T.O. will ever follow anyone. And to this point, Edwards hasn't shown any leadership qualities yet. Hopefully it is because of his inexperience, but so far he seems awful quiet. I still don't picture his getting in T.O.'s face (or anyone's really) and letting them have it, the way all great QBs have.

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Only problem is that beating he took in that Arizona game has made him gun shy. Maybe he can come back form it, but last i saw he was still scared.


May be you did not get to watch the play right before the half time against the Kansas City Chiefs are the game against Denver where he stood in the pocket and took a licking but still made his plays...

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I'm sure he calls his mother once a week also. :thumbsup: It remains to be seen just how good Trent can be, lets hope you are correct & he is a Championship Caliber QB :lol:



For a Team to be Championship Caliber, it needs a great defense.....Defense wins championships....I hope the Bills D goes from the worst pass rushing team to one of the best that can put the pressure on the QB on a constant basis. I hope they can cause turnovers and give a short field to the Bills.


The current SB champion was built with one of the best defenses ever in the NFL

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Guest dog14787
I don't believe T.O. will ever follow anyone. And to this point, Edwards hasn't shown any leadership qualities yet. Hopefully it is because of his inexperience, but so far he seems awful quiet. I still don't picture his getting in T.O.'s face (or anyone's really) and letting them have it, the way all great QBs have.



Getting into someones face does not make a good leader. This just in, players don't put up with to much in your face yelling anymore. Its why the big Tuna and Dika are probably not coaching and why not ask Tom Coughlin why he changed his coaching Tactics and after he did, he ended up taking a team to the Superbowl and winning it.


A good leader leads by example, he says the right things, points people in the right direction.


What does Trent Edwards preach about, he preaches about bringing home a championship.


If you think Trent Edwards is not a good leader, in my opinion there's nothing further from the truth. You need to re-exam your notion on what makes a good leader.


Does Barack Obama get in folks faces?

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Getting into someones face does not make a good leader. This just in, players don't put up with to much in your face yelling anymore. Its why the big Tuna and Dika are probably not coaching and why not ask Tom Coughlin why he changed his coaching Tactics and after he did, he ended up taking a team to the Superbowl and winning it.


A good leader leads by example, he says the right things, points people in the right direction.


What does Trent Edwards preach about, he preaches about bringing home a championship.


If you think Trent Edwards is not a good leader, in my opinion there's nothing further from the truth. You need to re-exam your notion on what makes a good leader.


Does Barack Obama get in folks faces?


Who said he's a good leader? Nevermind, don't want to discuss politics, let's stick to football (something I actually like)...


Talking about winning a superbowl doesn't make a good leader either. Mike Mularkey talked about winning the superbowl, so did JP Losman, they weren't good leaders either.


The most important thing that a leader can do is--as you said--lead by example. In my opinion, that is a completely separate issue from "saying the right things" and "preaching about bringing home a championship", and is 100% about performing on the field. Lead by example, Trent. Prepare dilligently, perform well, raise the level of play of those around you, then worry about leading.

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Guest dog14787
Who said he's a good leader? Nevermind, don't want to discuss politics, let's stick to football (something I actually like)...


Talking about winning a superbowl doesn't make a good leader either. Mike Mularkey talked about winning the superbowl, so did JP Losman, they weren't good leaders either.


The most important thing that a leader can do is--as you said--lead by example. In my opinion, that is a completely separate issue from "saying the right things" and "preaching about bringing home a championship", and is 100% about performing on the field. Lead by example, Trent. Prepare dilligently, perform well, raise the level of play of those around you, then worry about leading.



Why don't you do a little research on what makes a good leader from a psychological stand point. Leading by example is a good start, but there's more to being a good leader than leading by example.


Its not just talking about the Superbowl, its keeping folks focused with one path, one common goal. Its keeping things calm under pressure. I could go on and on about different character traits that are the make up of a good leader.


I've got a better idea, just watch Trent Edwards.

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Why don't you do a little research on what makes a good leader from a psychological stand point. Leading by example is a good start, but there's more to being a good leader than leading by example.


Its not just talking about the Superbowl, its keeping folks focused with one path, one common goal. Its keeping things calm under pressure. I could go on and on about different character traits that are the make up of a good leader.


I've got a better idea, just watch Trent Edwards.


He's got his work cut out for him. I understand you have an infatuation for Edwards as some kind of leader, but you do realize even the players in the Bills locker room can't seem to agree on whether he's a leader or not:


And what does it mean for Edwards’s locker room credibility? Teammates have praised the third-year quarterback, but no one has described him as the unquestioned leader.



That's like pursuing a girl, only to find out you have been put in the "friend" category.



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Guest dog14787
He's got his work cut out for him. I understand you have an infatuation for Edwards as some kind of leader, but you do realize even the players in the Bills locker room can't seem to agree on whether he's a leader or not:





That's like pursuing a girl, only to find out you have been put in the "friend" category.





Well some things just go without question don't they, imagine that, a good indication that what I say is true.


Trent Edwards leads the Buffalo Bills.

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Why don't you do a little research on what makes a good leader from a psychological stand point. Leading by example is a good start, but there's more to being a good leader than leading by example.


Its not just talking about the Superbowl, its keeping folks focused with one path, one common goal. Its keeping things calm under pressure. I could go on and on about different character traits that are the make up of a good leader.


I've got a better idea, just watch Trent Edwards.


Here's a question, dog: by "do a little research", do you mean "read my posts and agree with them"?


I'm curious, dog, how much "research" have you done on the subject? I know what I've done, so how's about we start with the basics?


Here are some basic leadership quotes from John Maxwell, widely considered the world's pre-eminent leadership author (these all come from his litany of leadership books):


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and then shows the way.


People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.


If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.


Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.


Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.


A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.


Although I'm sure you were familiar with them already (since you seemed to imply that you've done extensive research on the subject), these items speak far more to personal performance than they do inspiring others. But hey, maybe Maxwell is way off on this stuff, let's check out some other well-credentialed leaders and see what they think:


”Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

- Conrad Hilton, Hilton Hotels


”The right man is the one who seizes the moment.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


”A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

- Rosalynn Carter


”There comes a moment when you have to stop revving up the car and shove it into gear.”

- David Mahoney


”I would rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not.”

- Lucille Ball


”Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”

- Peter Drucker


”The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.”

- Henry Kissinger


”Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.”

- Zig Ziglar


Now maybe your research yields different results, but mine seems to indicate that leadership starts with performance (especially that Drucker quote--that's a really good one).


I eagerly await your response, which I sincerely hope is laden with your research on the subject.

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Guest dog14787
Here's a question, dog: by "do a little research", do you mean "read my posts and agree with them"?


I'm curious, dog, how much "research" have you done on the subject? I know what I've done, so how's about we start with the basics?


Here are some basic leadership quotes from John Maxwell, widely considered the world's pre-eminent leadership author (these all come from his litany of leadership books):


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and then shows the way.


People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.


If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.


Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.


Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.


A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.


Although I'm sure you were familiar with them already (since you seemed to imply that you've done extensive research on the subject), these items speak far more to personal performance than they do inspiring others. But hey, maybe Maxwell is way off on this stuff, let's check out some other well-credentialed leaders and see what they think:


”Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

- Conrad Hilton, Hilton Hotels


”The right man is the one who seizes the moment.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


”A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

- Rosalynn Carter


”There comes a moment when you have to stop revving up the car and shove it into gear.”

- David Mahoney


”I would rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not.”

- Lucille Ball


”Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”

- Peter Drucker


”The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.”

- Henry Kissinger


”Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.”

- Zig Ziglar


Now maybe your research yields different results, but mine seems to indicate that leadership starts with performance (especially that Drucker quote--that's a really good one).


I eagerly await your response, which I sincerely hope is laden with your research on the subject.



I think I could spend days researching and posting different quotes and different opinions and it wouldn't change your opinion, but I appreciate the fact that you did some research. Maybe if you would apply it in a manner that makes for an argument that TE is not a good leader I would debate it with you. Throwing different quotes at me doesn't prove anything.



The three basic things you must do to be successful as a leader I stand behind and have already posted at the very beginning of my thread.


Which are leadership character traits Trent Edwards already has on display.

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