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Men are no longer necessary for procreation


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I prefer real sperm, thank you. Not some abnormal lab creation. :doh:


So its like... :D:P:worthy::P:w00t::P:beer::doh:


Come on Lana. You knew what you were starting. This thread is snowballing out of control.


Intentional or not, this is the funniest pun i've read in a while.

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I'm just having a little fun. I'm bored. :pirate:




From a guy's standpoint, it is a pretty disconcerting topic to say the least! :o Guys need their egos inflated and to hear that some ladies aren't accepting "robo sperm" as the ultimate answer to the man problem is a little resassuring!


Toy with these dudes all you like... You surely sent them into a tailspin!



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From a guy's standpoint, it is a pretty disconcerting topic to say the least! :o Guys need their egos inflated and to hear that some ladies aren't accepting "robo sperm" as the ultimate answer to the man problem is a little resassuring!


Toy with these dudes all you like... You surely sent them into a tailspin!



Just doin' my job. :pirate:

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Mrs. Deerball probably wishes this had been discovered twenty years ago. :unsure:



I prefer real sperm, thank you. Not some abnormal lab creation. :D


We've asked 10 women to test the new reconstituted brand against the original recipe and 8 out of 10 women couldn't tell the difference. It's also fat free and low sugar!



***anxiously awaiting replies to this proclamation***


Ya had to know they would be mounting soon.



I think you used the wrong smiley -----------> :sick:


I'm guessing you've never been on the other side. :lol:




After looking at your post I'd have to say the yes, yes you are an angel! :wub:



Wouldn't it have been faster and easier to whip up a natural batch over their Comic-Con invitations?




I'm just having a little fun. I'm bored. :thumbsup:


Too bad your on the other coast! :(



Reminds me of this.


Gotta love Young Frankenstein!



That looks heavy, she probably needed three men to help get it on.


Three men to get it on? What are you saying about her? Anyway she could just get another woman wearing one to help her. :lol:

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