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Why Does Anyone Give A $#!+ About Soccer

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A whole generation of baseball "superstars" has smeared disgrace all over the record books.


Baseball is not "better than" soccer.



Which I don't understand why. Most, in fact probably all did nothing against the rules. We have a sitting gov in Cali that made his money and fame probably by juicing and now a generation later we come down with the "I am holier than thou attitude."


Basball is a symbol of how America operates. Like it or not.

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Sports are great. There's always some jackass trying to cheat or punching his girlfriend in the offseason, but that does not make me less of a fan. There's great drama in all kinds of games. I can get wrapped up in stuff that I'm not even a big fan of. Yesterday I watched the men's Wimbledon final and it was absolutely amazing! But I'm not really much of a tennis fan overall. Same thing for this year's SU lacrosse final. Holy crap, I'll probably never forget the crazy ending of that game. I've personally been involved in some hugely entertaining (but low skill level) contests of basketball, ping pong, football, soccer, tennis, sled racing, broomball, etc...


I just boggles my mind that some people would go out of their way to argue that a given sport is not only not to their individual liking, but somehow intrinsically inferior or not worthy of a fan's attention. Just a stupid waste of time. It's like arguing about your favorite flavor of ice cream. Stupid. They're all pretty damn good.

That was an amazing final! :rolleyes:

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I just boggles my mind that some people would go out of their way to argue that a given sport is not only not to their individual liking, but somehow intrinsically inferior or not worthy of a fan's attention. Just a stupid waste of time. It's like arguing about your favorite flavor of ice cream. Stupid. They're all pretty damn good.


Totally agree. I remember back when I was a kid, there was a pretty long stretch where I didn't have cable. I used to love it when we'd go visit extended family who had ESPN, cause I'd watch the Aussie League Football matches and just love it. I had no idea wtf was going on, or what it meant when they kicked the ball through the one set of poles vs. the other, but I'll be damned if that wasn't some fun sh-- to watch! I think true sports fans are lovers of competition, period. I may not watch much NBA during the reg season, but I love it during the playoffs when it's all on the line. I have no idea if the sport of water polo is even played professionally or what outside of Olympic competition, but I LOVE watching it every four years. Sports kick ass in general....just so happens that there are a few of us (what are we up to now, about nine? lol) who like it in the form of soccer more than most :rolleyes:

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