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Where does the republican conservative moment go from here?

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You would think the gop in light of getting their ass kicked n every election of late would change, even modify their platform. You would also think they wouldn't look up to screwballs and moralizing hypocrites. You would think they'd adjust to changing attitudes of Americans in the 21st century.



Well....you'd be wrong.

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You would think the gop in light of getting their ass kicked n every election of late would change, even modify their platform. You would also think they wouldn't look up to screwballs and moralizing hypocrites. You would think they'd adjust to changing attitudes of Americans in the 21st century.



Well....you'd be wrong.


People like you said the same thing when Carter was in office, and Conservatives said the same thing about liberals when Bush was elected.


Its a pendulum that has always swung back and forth, and will continue to swing back and forth. Liberals know their time is ticking which is why they are rushing everything through now, and Conservatives know if they stick to their guns the people will come back after people see all the spending and taxing that is being voted on.


Don't forget, a recent poll just found that around 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, far more than liberal. People didn't vote for Obama for his liberal leaning agenda, they voted against Bush and Republicans who weren't very conservative in their final years.


And once Republicans are holding the ball again, they'll screw it up and the pendulum will swing back.

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You would think the gop in light of getting their ass kicked n every election of late would change, even modify their platform. You would also think they wouldn't look up to screwballs and moralizing hypocrites. You would think they'd adjust to changing attitudes of Americans in the 21st century.



Well....you'd be wrong.


I'm more worried about you. Not having the Palins to kick around any more? You gonna be all right, man?

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People like you said the same thing when Carter was in office, and Conservatives said the same thing about liberals when Bush was elected.


Its a pendulum that has always swung back and forth, and will continue to swing back and forth. Liberals know their time is ticking which is why they are rushing everything through now, and Conservatives know if they stick to their guns the people will come back after people see all the spending and taxing that is being voted on.


Don't forget, a recent poll just found that around 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, far more than liberal. People didn't vote for Obama for his liberal leaning agenda, they voted against Bush and Republicans who weren't very conservative in their final years.


And once Republicans are holding the ball again, they'll screw it up and the pendulum will swing back.

very well said :flirt:


There is an orgy of spending going on right now, and the pendulum will swing back sooner than what I had thought a few months ago.


The best cure for the GOP right now is B.O, Pelosi and Reid. I'm pretty sure the GOP will pick up some seats in the 2010 elections

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Don't forget, a recent poll just found that around 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, far more than liberal. People didn't vote for Obama for his liberal leaning agenda, they voted against Bush and Republicans who weren't very conservative in their final years.


And once Republicans are holding the ball again, they'll screw it up and the pendulum will swing back.


It wasn't just in their final years. They gorge(d) pork just as much as the other side, if not more. The only time Republicans preach fiscal restraint is when they're not at the trough.


Ditto on the pendulum. We're now seeing the effects of Bush swinging it further to the right than it's been in a while --- on the backswing, the pendulum will swing further to the left than it's been in a while.

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You would think the gop in light of getting their ass kicked n every election of late would change, even modify their platform. You would also think they wouldn't look up to screwballs and moralizing hypocrites. You would think they'd adjust to changing attitudes of Americans in the 21st century.



Well....you'd be wrong.


You would read Gallup poles like



and realize that the country is not shifting leftward, media bias notwithstanding. Conservativism as an ideology is fine. It is the Republican party, as a vehicle for conservativism, that is broken. Moving towards the ideology of the Democrats - because they are winning instead of when it actually makes sense - will do no good if the issue is the messenger and not the message.


So - this may be the one time where shooting the messenger makes the most sense.

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People like you said the same thing when Carter was in office, and Conservatives said the same thing about liberals when Bush was elected.


Its a pendulum that has always swung back and forth, and will continue to swing back and forth. Liberals know their time is ticking which is why they are rushing everything through now, and Conservatives know if they stick to their guns the people will come back after people see all the spending and taxing that is being voted on.


Don't forget, a recent poll just found that around 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, far more than liberal. People didn't vote for Obama for his liberal leaning agenda, they voted against Bush and Republicans who weren't very conservative in their final years.


And once Republicans are holding the ball again, they'll screw it up and the pendulum will swing back.


The patriotic card has been played Bill. In 1980, 51 years after the stock market crash people forgot where they came from... I don't blame people for being disillusioned and trying something new... We did and now we know why things changed in the 1930's.


Maybe there is some other card to play, who knows?? It was just a matter of time, the nation needs some serious infrastructure building and people will get tired of paying and getting very few services that a generation ago was taken for granted. We will see.

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You would think the gop in light of getting their ass kicked n every election of late would change, even modify their platform. You would also think they wouldn't look up to screwballs and moralizing hypocrites. You would think they'd adjust to changing attitudes of Americans in the 21st century.



Well....you'd be wrong.


Be happy.


Your goal of one-party government and the dismissal of alternative viewpoints is well on its' way. You must follow the dictates of that government, that's the current thing. Resistance is futile. See the Dem "leadership", putting out committee bills sans any opportunity for the Congressmen to actually read before a vote count is put on the floor - the "stimulus" package, a budget that has a deficit 4 times that of anything in history, this "cap and trade" that has nothing to do with the environment, but a lot to do reducing an individuals' personal disposable income and having to turn it over with the goal of making you ever dependent upon the Federal umbilical.


You have won, Hedd. The US Constitution, any idea of limited government is...over.


Here's part of the cap 'n trade bill from the Dem house - you have to get government permission to sell your house, to make sure you meet retrofit criteria. Certainly the deciders will be the Administration's union praetorian guard...




Hedd, you and your like-thinking cronies are snuffing out the light of liberty. When it happens, you will look to blame others, look for help, but you by your effort will have already exterminated those who saw things different. There wil be nobody left to speak for you.


Study history. Unvarnished history, not the sanitized pap of today. Before it's too late.

Edited by stuckincincy
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Be happy.


Your goal of one-party government and the dismissal of alternative viewpoints is well on its' way. You must follow the dictates of that government, that's the current thing. Resistance is futile. See the Dem "leadership", putting out committee bills sans any opportunity for the Congressmen to actually read before a vote count is put on the floor - the "stimulus" package, a budget that has a deficit 4 times that of anything in history, this "cap and trade" that has nothing to do with the environment, but a lot to do reducing an individuals' personal disposable income and having to turn it over with the goal of making you ever dependent upon the Federal umbilical.


You have won, Hedd. The US Constitution, any idea of limited government is...over.


Here's part of the cap 'n trade bill from the Dem house - you have to get government permission to sell your house, to make sure you meet retrofit criteria. Certainly the deciders will be the Administration's union praetorian guard...




Hedd, you and your like-thinking cronies are snuffing out the light of liberty. When it happens, you will look to blame others, but you by your effort will have already exterminated them.

This post is way too complex for Hedd to understand, you are going to need to dumb it down a few notches.

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Be happy.


Your goal of one-party government and the dismissal of alternative viewpoints is well on its' way. You must follow the dictates of that government, that's the current thing. Resistance is futile. See the Dem "leadership", putting out committee bills sans any opportunity for the Congressmen to actually read before a vote count is put on the floor - the "stimulus" package, a budget that has a deficit 4 times that of anything in history, this "cap and trade" that has nothing to do with the environment, but a lot to do reducing an individuals' personal disposable income and having to turn it over with the goal of making you ever dependent upon the Federal umbilical.


You have won, Hedd. The US Constitution, any idea of limited government is...over.


Here's part of the cap 'n trade bill from the Dem house - you have to get government permission to sell your house, to make sure you meet retrofit criteria. Certainly the deciders will be the Administration's union praetorian guard...




Hedd, you and your like-thinking cronies are snuffing out the light of liberty. When it happens, you will look to blame others, look for help, but you by your effort will have already exterminated those who saw things different. There wil be nobody left to speak for you.


Study history. Unvarnished history, not the sanitized pap of today. Before it's too late.


I've read my fair share of melodramatic postings on this board, but this one tops them all. Snuffing out the light of liberty? :rolleyes:

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I've read my fair share of melodramatic postings on this board, but this one tops them all. Snuffing out the light of liberty? :rolleyes:

Ridicule - a trusty tool of the leftists. Put forth that for the purpose of deflecting what a person says. You really are silly old hat here - see Lenin, Marx, etc. :lol:

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You mean except the article you posted didn't say what you posted.


Have your ever had a deep thought, got to the gist of a statement, rolled it around in your mind, mulled it over, considering things, as oppsed to blurting out captious statements?

Look up "captious"...


I'm going off-line now, so retorts won't be viewed until tomorrow, dog. Sorry.



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Have your ever had a deep thought, got to the gist of a statement, rolled it around in your mind, mulled it over, considering things, as oppsed to blurting out captious statements?

Look up "captious"...


I'm going off-line now, so retorts won't be viewed until tomorrow, dog. Sorry.




Here's part of the cap 'n trade bill from the Dem house - you have to get government permission to sell your house, to make sure you meet retrofit criteria. Certainly the deciders will be the Administration's union praetorian guard...

But that's not what it said in your link. The article you quoted said, IT COULD happen and then went on to explain it didnt know what the thing would be.

The actual provision it's talking about REEP hasn't even been written yet.

The people looking at it, said "IT IS OPTIONAL" anyway, not required.


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You are becoming not one to trade in ideas, JA, becoming one to not give the other fellow an ounce of due. Take a long look in the mirror and stop before you fall.


Coming to some sort of defense of the provocateur Hedd..oh my. :thumbdown:


If I could get over your grumpy-old-man act or his uncanny ability to get almost every prediction completely wrong, I'd probably be able to give one of you your due.

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Ridicule - a trusty tool of the leftists. Put forth that for the purpose of deflecting what a person says. You really are silly old hat here - see Lenin, Marx, etc. :thumbdown:


You are sounding exactly like the whiney sniveling left did 9 short years ago. You are emulating them to a tee, just putting your own melodramatic spin on things. That schtick is old... Get your own act. :thumbdown:

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