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Bills caught a break?


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From ESPN:

The replay CLEARLY showed that he caught the ball, yet they write this tripe?  Why don't they talk about all the crappy "fortunate breaks" that the other teams have gotten AGAINST us this year?  Like phantom holds, phantom personal fouls, etc???  Really annoys me...






Yeah, when I first looked at it I didn't see him get his second foot down. They went on to show it again and it was clear to the announcers he got both feet down. It was a great catch in bounds just look at the tape. We needed Lee to produce and that's just what he did. Good job Lee

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1.) Lee Evans made a legal catch.

2.) That it was called such means the Bills got a break.


I mean, come on, I think we're at the point where simply NOT being screwed by the refs qualifies as a break. But it was a very, very close call, that ended up being right but easily could have gone the other way. We got a little lucky, but it was more skill than luck. Lee Evans was lucky that he made the play as much as got the call - it's a hard thing to do, and Jerry Rice '90 would be lucky to pull it off. So the ball bounced in our favor for once. End of story.

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1.) Lee Evans made a legal catch.

2.) That it was called such means the Bills got a break.


I mean, come on, I think we're at the point where simply NOT being screwed by the refs qualifies as a break.  But it was a very, very close call, that ended up being right but easily could have gone the other way.  We got a little lucky, but it was more skill than luck.  Lee Evans was lucky that he made the play as much as got the call - it's a hard thing to do, and Jerry Rice '90 would be lucky to pull it off.  So the ball bounced in our favor for once.  End of story.



Just to clarify, I'm not saying we didn't get (self-made) breaks in the game. My complaint is that the article makes it sound like the refs blew the call and that if the Jets had any timeouts left, it would've been overturned. Combine that with the fact that I never ONCE saw an article saying the Raiders "caught a break" when TKO was tackled in the endzone, or any other number of "breaks" (both self-inflicted and ref-inflicted) from the rest of the season. Made it sound like sour grapes IMHO.


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1.) Lee Evans made a legal catch.

2.) That it was called such means the Bills got a break.


I mean, come on, I think we're at the point where simply NOT being screwed by the refs qualifies as a break. 



I think that sums it up perfectly.

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The first two replay showed him dragging his left foot but it looked like he didn't get it down. The third replay (field level) CLEARLY showed his left toe bouncing off the turf. It was in. No doubt. TIVO does not lie.

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Okay, so here's a different direction to take this: does anyone know if the ref's are looking at High Definition monitors when making their replay calls? It would be pretty ridiculous if they weren't, though I doubt the one(s) on the field are HD....


As far as the "might have caughta break" comment goes, I simply took that as the AP writer was covering multiple games and didn't take the time to look closely and form his own opinion. He was more commenting on the commentary at the end than the game itself.

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I have to say that I'm disappointed by the media's anti-Buffalo stance. It's not just the fact that a close call that correctly went in our favor was pointed out, while clearly erroneous calls that went against us were ignored. It's also the Stanley Cup, and his foot being in the crease. If an NYC team had that happen to them, the media would have never let the officials live it down.

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