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I am sick of hearing about how our coaching sucks....

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who are these players that have increased the talent level from 2008 by such a huge margin to challenge for #1 in the AFC?


The Bills basically added a 35 yr old WR who drops a lot of passes and may have already hit the wall. With his addition, you are convinced that the offense has become an unstoppable juggernaut even though the same clown coaches are running the show.


T.O. was the most productive WR (TD's) over the past 3 years against all the top defenses in the NFL. All the NFC east teams are 8th or better on total defense, just a FYI. Who was T.O. paired with in Dallas?? Losers that combined nearly equaled his stats. If you have 2 real threats going out on nearly every passing down (Evans / Owens), one of them will get single coverage or just be open. There is no way to really cover them all the time & if by some odd reason the defense does, plan on Trent running for 20 yards or someone else being open. T.O. single-handedly held Romo's head up, they just will not figure it out until this year.


The no-huddle type approach will allow for changes at the line scrimmage to adjust for different defenses / blitz packages as well, unlike what we have had before. Add in another year of the offensive experience for Turk / crew, Steve Johnson's solid hands, a new 6'5" TE target, the gift of Rhodes being out there if FJ or ML is not (so we actually have depth at RB / WR, which affords us the ability to play those positions hard and often) and we have a game changing deal.

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T.O. was the most productive WR (TD's) over the past 3 years against all the top defenses in the NFL. All the NFC east teams are 8th or better on total defense, just a FYI. Who was T.O. paired with in Dallas?? Losers that combined nearly equaled his stats. If you have 2 real threats going out on nearly every passing down (Evans / Owens), one of them will get single coverage or just be open. There is no way to really cover them all the time & if by some odd reason the defense does, plan on Trent running for 20 yards or someone else being open. T.O. single-handedly held Romo's head up, they just will not figure it out until this year.


The no-huddle type approach will allow for changes at the line scrimmage to adjust for different defenses / blitz packages as well, unlike what we have had before. Add in another year of the offensive experience for Turk / crew, Steve Johnson's solid hands, a new 6'5" TE target, the gift of Rhodes being out there if FJ or ML is not (so we actually have depth at RB / WR, which affords us the ability to play those positions hard and often) and we have a game changing deal.


And what happens when we scrap the no huddle after the first game? This coaching staff has a history of claiming all these big and huge changes are going to be implemented and usually, they get scrapped after 1 or 2 games in favor of ultra-conservatism. They did the same song-and-dance last offseason about "opening up the offense" and then never did. The defense used the creep successfully in week 1 then ditched it. James Hardy was used in the red-zone early on and then they never looked his way again.


The best part of the TO acquisition is that he won't put up jauron's crap when the Bills drop 3 straight and fall to 4-5 or something of the like. I look forward to TO tearing jauron a new one on the sidelines.

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2007 ?? They killed everybody in the regular season that year, how could you forget that? I was referring to 2008 and the fact that we didn't exactly get drilled into dozens of pieces, mind you they also didn't have a healthy Tom Brady is a known variant & understood.

Actually, you weren't just talking about 2008. Here is a direct quote:


"Do you really think that the Pats even thought twice about playing us for the past several years??"

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T.O. was the most productive WR (TD's) over the past 3 years against all the top defenses in the NFL. All the NFC east teams are 8th or better on total defense, just a FYI. Who was T.O. paired with in Dallas?? Losers that combined nearly equaled his stats. If you have 2 real threats going out on nearly every passing down (Evans / Owens), one of them will get single coverage or just be open. There is no way to really cover them all the time & if by some odd reason the defense does, plan on Trent running for 20 yards or someone else being open. T.O. single-handedly held Romo's head up, they just will not figure it out until this year.


The no-huddle type approach will allow for changes at the line scrimmage to adjust for different defenses / blitz packages as well, unlike what we have had before. Add in another year of the offensive experience for Turk / crew, Steve Johnson's solid hands, a new 6'5" TE target, the gift of Rhodes being out there if FJ or ML is not (so we actually have depth at RB / WR, which affords us the ability to play those positions hard and often) and we have a game changing deal.


1. He not only had the most TDs - but the most dropped passes as well. Pretty strange that a player with TO's production over the last 3 years was basically unwanted by every team in the NFL except the Bills. Maybe all the teams with professional talent evaluators concluded that at 36 he has hit the wall.


2. TO was paired in Dallas with one of the best pass receiving TEs in the NFL and an excellent running game.


3. He also had a QB that was allowed to throw downfield. Unfortunately, he is now in the land of the checkdown - whether that is by coaches design or Trent's fear - either way it does not bode well for Evans or TO.


4. The no-huddle will likely cause more confusion in the 5 guys playing out of position on the Bills OL than the defensive front 7 they will face. Any success in running or passing the ball will depend on these guys getting on the same page quickly AND being able to play at an NFL quality.


5. Turk has not risen to anything more than a crappy coach in 10 years, why is he going to see the light now?



Back to the original question -

other than TO (who may have hit the wall),

who are the stud players that increase the talent for the Bills to challenge for the best record in the AFC??

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1. He not only had the most TDs - but the most dropped passes as well. Pretty strange that a player with TO's production over the last 3 years was basically unwanted by every team in the NFL except the Bills. Maybe all the teams with professional talent evaluators concluded that at 36 he has hit the wall.


You mean in the whole 48 hours he was out of a job and filming his reality show?? Wow, we must have gotten damaged goods.


/ Fantasy


2. TO was paired in Dallas with one of the best pass receiving TEs in the NFL and an excellent running game.


It's fairly obvious when it's a pass and teams that actually gameplanned (everyone) knew T.O. was going to get the rock a majority of the time, yet he still was the most productive TD producer over the last 3 years.




3. He also had a QB that was allowed to throw downfield. Unfortunately, he is now in the land of the checkdown - whether that is by coaches design or Trent's fear - either way it does not bode well for Evans or TO.


Did Romo throw downfield to the TE or T.O., i'm confused??






4. The no-huddle will likely cause more confusion in the 5 guys playing out of position on the Bills OL than the defensive front 7 they will face. Any success in running or passing the ball will depend on these guys getting on the same page quickly AND being able to play at an NFL quality.


Well the O-line has to block those guys in front of them right off the start & obviously gelling has alot to do with that.



5. Turk has not risen to anything more than a crappy coach in 10 years, why is he going to see the light now?


1 year as a OC with 1 real WR doesn't make a career

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And what happens when we scrap the no huddle after the first game? This coaching staff has a history of claiming all these big and huge changes are going to be implemented and usually, they get scrapped after 1 or 2 games in favor of ultra-conservatism. They did the same song-and-dance last offseason about "opening up the offense" and then never did. The defense used the creep successfully in week 1 then ditched it. James Hardy was used in the red-zone early on and then they never looked his way again.


The best part of the TO acquisition is that he won't put up jauron's crap when the Bills drop 3 straight and fall to 4-5 or something of the like. I look forward to TO tearing jauron a new one on the sidelines.

So you look foward to your favorite team losing games and complete turmoil on the sideline? Thanks for representing Bills fans so well. You should stick with the WWF.


TO has never successfully hijacked a team. Crying on the sideline and publicly melting down doesn't do anyone any good. It usually results into season long drama and disruption. Some people think it's cool to call teammates and coachs out publicly. In reality it's a sign of immaturity and selfishness. A professional takes care of his business in the locker room behind closed doors.


With that being said I'm glad he's here and I don't think he will lose control. The guy is an immense talent and should allow us to open things up. We didn't have the personnel to do so last year. If the 09 Bills don't let it go more, you have room to gripe. James Hardy got his share of looks early. He played his way out of more involvement. He's just not ready.

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1. He not only had the most TDs - but the most dropped passes as well. Pretty strange that a player with TO's production over the last 3 years was basically unwanted by every team in the NFL except the Bills. Maybe all the teams with professional talent evaluators concluded that at 36 he has hit the wall.


2. TO was paired in Dallas with one of the best pass receiving TEs in the NFL and an excellent running game.


3. He also had a QB that was allowed to throw downfield. Unfortunately, he is now in the land of the checkdown - whether that is by coaches design or Trent's fear - either way it does not bode well for Evans or TO.


4. The no-huddle will likely cause more confusion in the 5 guys playing out of position on the Bills OL than the defensive front 7 they will face. Any success in running or passing the ball will depend on these guys getting on the same page quickly AND being able to play at an NFL quality.


5. Turk has not risen to anything more than a crappy coach in 10 years, why is he going to see the light now?



Back to the original question -

other than TO (who may have hit the wall),

who are the stud players that increase the talent for the Bills to challenge for the best record in the AFC??

1. I'll gladly trade most TDs for most dropped passes. Besides take a look at the other leaders in dropped passes. They are usually the studs who get the ball thrown to them the most. Common sense. :pirate: I haven't seen any NFL evaluators come out and say he has hit the wall. Got a link?


2. I think Owens has proved enough in his career to give him the benefit of doubt. Lee Evans is a weapon and so is our running game when teams can't put 8 in the box.


3. I will be right there with you if 09 isn't different.


4. I'm not sure why you are assuming all 5 guys on our o-line will be out of position. Did you see that in your crystal ball? Three of those five guys, you haven't even seen play. Just go with the absolute worst case scenario, right. :devil:


5. Your final point is personal opinion. I can't tell you what to think. It's impossible to argue with the constant doom and gloom crowd.

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1. I'll gladly trade most TDs for most dropped passes. Besides take a look at the other leaders in dropped passes. They are usually the studs who get the ball thrown to them the most. Common sense. :pirate: I haven't seen any NFL evaluators come out and say he has hit the wall. Got a link?


2. I think Owens has proved enough in his career to give him the benefit of doubt. Lee Evans is a weapon and so is our running game when teams can't put 8 in the box.


3. I will be right there with you if 09 isn't different.


4. I'm not sure why you are assuming all 5 guys on our o-line will be out of position. Did you see that in your crystal ball? Three of those five guys, you haven't even seen play. Just go with the absolute worst case scenario, right. :devil:


5. Your final point is personal opinion. I can't tell you what to think. It's impossible to argue with the constant doom and gloom crowd.



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1. I'll gladly trade most TDs for most dropped passes. Besides take a look at the other leaders in dropped passes. They are usually the studs who get the ball thrown to them the most. Common sense. :pirate: I haven't seen any NFL evaluators come out and say he has hit the wall. Got a link?


2. I think Owens has proved enough in his career to give him the benefit of doubt. Lee Evans is a weapon and so is our running game when teams can't put 8 in the box.


3. I will be right there with you if 09 isn't different.


4. I'm not sure why you are assuming all 5 guys on our o-line will be out of position. Did you see that in your crystal ball? Three of those five guys, you haven't even seen play. Just go with the absolute worst case scenario, right. :devil:


5. Your final point is personal opinion. I can't tell you what to think. It's impossible to argue with the constant doom and gloom crowd.



Great post. And honestly, the bolded part is something I've been fighting quite a bit too. It's starting to make me not come as much to the board because it just gets beyond frustrating to come here excited about a season and then have people consistently whining about a season that has yet to be played.


Keep up the good fight. :lol:

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So you look foward to your favorite team losing games and complete turmoil on the sideline? Thanks for representing Bills fans so well. You should stick with the WWF.


TO has never successfully hijacked a team. Crying on the sideline and publicly melting down doesn't do anyone any good. It usually results into season long drama and disruption. Some people think it's cool to call teammates and coachs out publicly. In reality it's a sign of immaturity and selfishness. A professional takes care of his business in the locker room behind closed doors.


With that being said I'm glad he's here and I don't think he will lose control. The guy is an immense talent and should allow us to open things up. We didn't have the personnel to do so last year. If the 09 Bills don't let it go more, you have room to gripe. James Hardy got his share of looks early. He played his way out of more involvement. He's just not ready.


No, i'm not looking forward to them losing games this season. I'm simply expecting it. I think we're looking at a 6-10 season. That doesn't mean i wont be watching every single game and rooting my ass off for us to make the playoffs.


If/when this team starts losing, what i am looking forward to is actually having a player that seems to give a sh-- about the outcome. I'm looking forward to having someone that isn't afraid to call BS on some of the crap that the coaching staff does. For the first time in a long time, i want to see some emotion from this team.

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No, i'm not looking forward to them losing games this season. I'm simply expecting it. I think we're looking at a 6-10 season. That doesn't mean i wont be watching every single game and rooting my ass off for us to make the playoffs.


If/when this team starts losing, what i am looking forward to is actually having a player that seems to give a sh-- about the outcome. I'm looking forward to having someone that isn't afraid to call BS on some of the crap that the coaching staff does. For the first time in a long time, i want to see some emotion from this team.

Wait...most of these players are only paid millions of dollars a year...you want them to show up and show emotion? I'm with Jim Kelly on this one...sign more players like TO if it means that you can tell the difference between winning and losing in the locker room after a game. Maybe the fans should expect more also - even if that means being critical of the coaching or performances on the field.

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Wait...most of these players are only paid millions of dollars a year...you want them to show up and show emotion? I'm with Jim Kelly on this one...sign more players like TO if it means that you can tell the difference between winning and losing in the locker room after a game. Maybe the fans should expect more also - even if that means being critical of the coaching or performances on the field.




Exactly. There are still people on here that believe a proven loser of HC is actually a qualified winning HC because they have deluded themselves into thinking the only thing said loser HC has been missing is "talented players".

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Exactly. There are still people on here that believe a proven loser of HC is actually a qualified winning HC because they have deluded themselves into thinking the only thing said loser HC has been missing is "talented players".



That what do you call Belichick before Brady when he had a worse record than our "proven loser"? Also, please tell me which groups of QBs would you rather have: Miller, Matthews, McNown, Losman or Kosar, Testaverde, or Bledsoe?


But I'm sure you will not answer these questions or try and magically seem like Belichick was a genius all along, despite failing more than DJ with much, much better QBs. :lol:

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That what do you call Belichick before Brady when he had a worse record than our "proven loser"? Also, please tell me which groups of QBs would you rather have: Miller, Matthews, McNown, Losman or Kosar, Testaverde, or Bledsoe?


But I'm sure you will not answer these questions or try and magically seem like Belichick was a genius all along, despite failing more than DJ with much, much better QBs. :lol:


We fielded 0 offensive threats over the past 3 years, now we are chocked full of love. You'll see a difference early and often this season.

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We have a bunch of Bills haters in the press talking about nothing. We had a great draft, revamped our O-line and picked up the highest producing WR over the past 3 years. Dallas didn't win any SB with T.O. either but they can buy anyone they want and we have their best offensive weapon now. Stroud was a weapon last year, POZ our highest producing tackler, we now have a new great first stepper in Maybin and have a few healthy people coming back.


I attribute all of this to our current coaching staff and give 0 credit outside of it. I see bigger things for us this year and the light will finally shine on Buffalo instead of the usual suspects. DJ, Russ and crew get this season to put it all together, they have my support, the bigger question is do they have yours?

It is the job of the press to make a story out of nothing.....people that read the paper and listen to the radio are hate lemmings.


I am not big on Poz or Maybin...overrated Big-10 players

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We fielded 0 offensive threats over the past 3 years, now we are chocked full of love. You'll see a difference early and often this season.


Marshawn, FJ, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Edwards = 0 offensive threats




Marshawn, FJ, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Edwards and TO = chock full of love? :lol:

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Marshawn, FJ, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Edwards = 0 offensive threats




Marshawn, FJ, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Edwards and TO = chock full of love? :lol:


Well TO is going to make a big difference but yeah its not like we added two or three big time players and now have a ton of weapons. We had a decent amount of weapons (Lee Evans, Good slot recivers, A very good Running back in Lynch, a good number two running back in FJ) and now this year we added a big time weapon to a group that had a decent amount of weapons already.


Simply put add in TO to a solid set of skill position players and now we have a good set of skill position players.

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That what do you call Belichick before Brady when he had a worse record than our "proven loser"? Also, please tell me which groups of QBs would you rather have: Miller, Matthews, McNown, Losman or Kosar, Testaverde, or Bledsoe?


But I'm sure you will not answer these questions or try and magically seem like Belichick was a genius all along, despite failing more than DJ with much, much better QBs. :lol:



This is just so ridiculous. You guys have to stop with the comparisons of Belichick and Jauron. You could not have a wider gap of coaching abilities if you put a thousand Grand Canyons side by side. Please stop.


Just a quick look at their pre-head coaching resumes shows you all you need to know about who and what they would become...


Exhibit A: Belichick is considered the best and most innovative defensive coordinator in the history of the NFL.


Exhibit B: Dick Jauron had three ok but average years as the Jaguars defensive coordinator. A team that won because of their offense and the head coaching of Tom Coughlin.


Baring a freaking miracle in Orchard Park, it's over for Dick Jauron. You don't all of a sudden "get it" at his age. At his age you've either been there done that or you are what your record says you are. The fact that an unknown and inexperienced guy like Matt Cassel had the year he had in '08 tells you that Bill Belichick is lightyears ahead of Dick Jauron. These two men literally are polar opposites in terms of coaching.

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