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Phil Sims jumped all over Jim Nance

Toledo Bill

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when Nance said the Jets had a let down against Buffalo (during the game they covered). He stated that Buffalo was a very good team and made several compliments about them. Sims generates some negative comments on this board, but he calls them as he sees 'em and was very upbeat about the Bills.

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when Nance said the Jets had a let down against Buffalo (during the game they covered). He stated that Buffalo was a very good team and made several compliments about them. Sims generates some negative comments on this board, but he calls them as he sees 'em and was very upbeat about the Bills.



I don't have an issue with Simms...he's usually fair and he's certainly no Dan Dierdork. <_<


BTW, did anyone else notice how Enberg and, especially, Dierdork were fawning all over John Abraham and Jonathan Vilma??? Cripes, they must have needed a case of Altoids to get the taste of ASS out of their mouths!!!

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I don't have an issue with Simms...he's usually fair and he's certainly no Dan Dierdork.  <_<


BTW, did anyone else notice how Enberg and, especially, Dierdork were fawning all over John Abraham and Jonathan Vilma??? Cripes, they must have needed a case of Altoids to get the taste of ASS out of their mouths!!!


What I thought was funny was that they gushing over Abaraham at totally inappropriate times. Like they would talk about what a great tackle he made, and totally ignore the fact that it was 9 yards down the field after McGahee blew by him the first time.

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What I thought was funny was that they gushing over Abaraham at totally inappropriate times.  Like they would talk about what a great tackle he made, and totally ignore the fact that it was 9 yards down the field after McGahee blew by him the first time.



That's exactly what I'm talking about! On one play, WM ran for seven or eight yards and JA got back into the play and made the tackle. They went on and on like he was the best thing since sliced bread. Hey, morons...the Bills just blew him up for a major gain and he's getting buckets-'o-love??? WTF? The NY hype machine was in full effect. <_<

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I thought the call of the game yesterday was horrible.


Both of those jackasses kept referring to the fact that the Bills went three and out on their first drive. Um...I guess that first play where Moulds caught a first down catch didn't count. Plus, when Moulds got his SECOND catch later in the quarter, they both said it was his first and that it extended his games with a catch streak..


Dierdorf is an ass-kissing POS. Like I said yesterday, it wasn't until late in the third that he was saying anything good about the Bills.


Dierdorf = RJ = :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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That's exactly what I'm talking about! On one play, WM ran for  seven or eight yards and JA got back into the play and made the tackle. They went on and on like he was the best thing since sliced bread. Hey, morons...the Bills just blew him up for a major gain and he's getting buckets-'o-love??? WTF? The NY hype machine was in full effect.  <_<


In Abraham's defense, he pushed upfield on the pass rush, and the draw went underneath him. Other teams used to do that to Bruce all of the time, and like Bruce, Abraham didn't give up on the play, he chased it down. That's a DE catching a RB from behind. I know WM wasn't in a full sprint, but whether it's Bruce or Abraham, I love that kind of hustle. It was a good play.

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In Abraham's defense, he pushed upfield on the pass rush, and the draw went underneath him.  Other teams used to do that to Bruce all of the time, and like Bruce, Abraham didn't give up on the play, he chased it down.  That's a DE catching a RB from behind.  I know WM wasn't in a full sprint, but whether it's Bruce or Abraham, I love that kind of hustle. It was a good play.



Agreed; however, they made no mention of WM's run, just Abraham's "superb" play. Their timing, as mentioned in an earlier post, was just inappropriate/bad. Very one-sided, JMO.

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