H2o Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap_travel/us_sears_tower_ledge I'd do it, but I'd be scared out my mind honestly.
Jim in Anchorage Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I think they did something similar at the Grand Canyon.
bbb Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Yeah, and I wouldn't be caught dead in either place. Heights and me don't get along!
toddgurley Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap_travel/us_sears_tower_ledge I'd do it, but I'd be scared out my mind honestly. no chance-
ExiledInIllinois Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I haven't been to the Sears Tower in a while... I know my son will want to go know! Me... I cling to the middle of the room/skydeck
Southern McButterpants. Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I think they have something similar at the CN Tower in T.O. Glass floor on one of the observation decks . . .
Bullpen Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Fug that!!! I saw those photos yesterday and just looking at 'em gave me a creepy vertigo-like feeling. Heights used to not bother me when I was a kid, now I can't even do the Space Needle in Seattle.
pBills Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Hell yeah. To bad you can't bungee or base jump for there.
ans4e64 Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 How can that be sturdy enough? I couldn't see that well from the photo, but it looks like just a thin layer of glass. That's not a real balcony.
shrader Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 How can that be sturdy enough? I couldn't see that well from the photo, but it looks like just a thin layer of glass. That's not a real balcony. The article gave the specs for the glass. The balconies can hold five tons, and the glass is an inch-and-a-half thick, officials said.
eSJayDee Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 WOW! IDK if I could do that or not. Look at the size of those cars! To put it in perspective, when you're flying around an airport "in pattern", you're usually about 700' AGL, this is twice that high. In a building! Wow.
linksfiend Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I guess you don't have to step on the railing and lean against the window 'Ferris Bueller' style anymore.
Steely Dan Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I think they did something similar at the Grand Canyon. If you Google it DO NOT GO TO THE FIRST LINK OR SECOND LINK!! THEY ARE LINKS TO THE SAME SITE; www.grandcanyonskywalk I removed the .com from the above link so nobody might click on it. My Avira anti virus went nuts! It's the most severe warning I've ever gotten from a website. The following links didn't set off the Avira; Linky The Skywalk is open now and this video has a lot of important information if you plan to go to it. Fug that!!! I saw those photos yesterday and just looking at 'em gave me a creepy vertigo-like feeling. Heights used to not bother me when I was a kid, now I can't even do the Space Needle in Seattle. If I went to that or the Skywalk I'd pass-out. Hell yeah. To bad you can't bungee or base jump for there. You need help. Just sayin.
plenzmd1 Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Fug that!!! I saw those photos yesterday and just looking at 'em gave me a creepy vertigo-like feeling. Heights used to not bother me when I was a kid, now I can't even do the Space Needle in Seattle. +1. I did the one at the CN Tower years back, but this one I think me shall pass. I also got that quesy feeling just seeing this morning.
The Dean Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Yeah, and I wouldn't be caught dead in either place. Heights and me don't get along! Me too, for the most part. I would probably go out on it, and I also would probably be extremely uneasy.
buckeyemike Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 +1. I did the one at the CN Tower years back, but this one I think me shall pass. I also got that quesy feeling just seeing this morning. I also did the CN Tower. Didn't scare me a bit, but I was 12 then. The funny thing is, being on a ladder or up 20-30 feet scares me much more than being way, way up.
Special K Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 Fug that!!! I saw those photos yesterday and just looking at 'em gave me a creepy vertigo-like feeling. Heights used to not bother me when I was a kid, now I can't even do the Space Needle in Seattle. I've done the rides on top of the Statosphere Tower in Las Vegas: http://www.vegas-gallery.de/data/media/84/x-scream_1.jpg Basically, the ride in the picture goes straight off the edge of the tower at about 1100 feet. Wild stuff. I would do the skywalk at the Grand Canyon, and these Sears Tower balconies, but I can't say it wouldn't make me uneasy.
plenzmd1 Posted July 2, 2009 Posted July 2, 2009 I've done the rides on top of the Statosphere Tower in Las Vegas: http://www.vegas-gallery.de/data/media/84/x-scream_1.jpg Basically, the ride in the picture goes straight off the edge of the tower at about 1100 feet. Wild stuff. I would do the skywalk at the Grand Canyon, and these Sears Tower balconies, but I can't say it wouldn't make me uneasy. I have seen those rides on TV, couldn't pay me enough, and I love rollercoasters!
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