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Shocking News!!! Michael Jackson Not The Biological Father

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Jackson/Rowe Not the Biological Parents


Posted Jun 30th 2009 12:00PM by TMZ Staff


We've learned Michael Jackson was not the biological father of any of his children. And Debbie Rowe is not the biological mother of the two kids she bore for Michael. All three children were conceived in vitro -- outside the womb.


Multiple sources deeply connected to the births tell us Michael was not the sperm donor for any of his kids. Debbie's eggs were not used. She was merely the surrogate, and paid well for her services in the births of Michael Jr. and Paris.


In the case of Prince Michael II (the youngest), we're told the surrogate was never told of the identity of the "receiving parent" -- Michael Jackson. Three days after Prince was born at Grossmont Hospital in San Diego County, Jackson's lawyer came to the hospital to pick the baby up and deliver him to Michael.


We do not know if Jackson chose the sperm or egg donors or if he even knew who they were.


Although Rowe is not the biological mother, it's not a slam dunk that she would lose a custody battle. This type of case has never been litigated in California courts. Since Rowe was married to Jackson when Michael Jr. and Paris were born, there's a presumption that she's the biological parent. That presumption can be rebutted by other evidence.


We know there are documents outlining the whole arrangement for the birth of all three kids. Nonetheless, it's still an open issue with the courts.

UH-OH!! Did he forget to adopt them kids!!! :o

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"Prince Michael II".



That just slays me. How utterly !@#$ing whacked in the head do you have to name your kid that?

Probably not as whacked as Nic Cage naming his son "Kal-El", or Gwyneth Paltrow naming her daughter "Apple".

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That beats Prince Michael for weirdness. :o:lol:

Then again, weirdness obviously runs in that family. No wonder they (allegedly) didn't use his DNA to make the kids.

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Is anybody actually surprised that "the kid is not my son?" They have blonde hair. When the dust settles, Michael will be remembered as one of the most screwed up individuals who ever lived.




Didn't Frank Zappa have; MoonUnit & Dweezle? :devil:


I'm still going with Jermajesty. :D

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I'm still going with Jermajesty. :devil:


I have a good friend who is a real goof. Used to do stand up but is one of those guys who you never believe no matter what he says. He's the one that told me about that and I just knew he was bullshiiting me. Well I looked it up one day and there it was; Jermajesty Jackson. :D

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Is anybody actually surprised that "the kid is not my son?" They have blonde hair. When the dust settles, Michael will be remembered as one of the most screwed up individuals who ever lived.


Hey, wahts pu Billy Jean??

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