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Spending and winnning in the NFL

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There is one HUGE difference between winning teams and the Bills and it isn't the FO's player evaluation. It's the HC, stupid.


I beg to differ.


The difference is the QB. If you have a franchise QB, you can have crappy coaching and everything else and still win.


Check out the top-6 teams on the list: Brady, Manning, Rivers, Rothlesberger, Cutler, Eli Manning.

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The "stupid" reference was a joke, and a parody of the old political saying "it's the economy stupid" and not a shot at you. Really.


I think in the case of Jauron, Marv was instrumental in his getting the nod. Fine. While he was not my selection, I didn't think it was a huge mistake at the time, given the Bills needed to right the ship. I think Dick was sufficient for that purpose, but did little else. I'm not entirely convinced that DJ would still be the HC if Marv was still GM, but we will never know.


Now that's a big mistake by the FO...one of the biggest. But in your posts, you seem to dump on the players, the coach, the FO and Ralph. I have said it in the past, and I will repeat it here: To read your posts you would think the Bills were 0-16 and never came close to winning a game. Everything and everyone association with the team sucks.


That just isn't the case. With some ballsy and intelligent coaching, the team would have made the playoffs last year, IMO. This year's group has even more talent, by my estimation.


I can only hope that Dick is scared enough of losing his job to let the chain out a bit, and that Turk has learned some lessons in his first season as OC. This team just might make the playoffs despite Jauron.


Replacing the management team with a "strong GM" is not going to be fruitful at this point in time, IMO. Currently there are precious few strong managers in the game, and fewer who are available. None of them is likely to come to Buffalo, and it is even less likely a willing one will be paid what he requires and given the freedom they would need. (Note: the last one of those strong GMs the Bills had ended up running the team into the ground. The team today is better by far than the team TD left.)


This team's best chance to succeed would have been to replace the HC. But, other than that, I think the FO has done a pretty decent job. Best in the NFL? No, but FAR FAR better than the worst. The drafts and FA acquisitions have been very good-to-excellent since TD departed. If would be nice to see the talent freed to play their best, instead of being held back and thwarted at every step.


:devil: BINGO.


I think you're right on with these thoughts. To me, that pretty much sums up why the Bills have ended up with a mediocore record for the past three seasons. Last season imparticular. Coaching (Not just Jauron, but Turk last season as well, whom I'm pretty confident will improve this season) was the difference between 7-9 and 10-6 last season. The talent was there on both sides of the ball, it was simply not utilized correctly much of the time and that, combined with horrible in-game decisions involving usage time outs, late game clock management, play calling in key situations, etc is what held this team back last year. IMO, they win the Cleveland game on MNF, San Francisco, and at the Jets if some VERY MINOR AND ELEMENTARY correct coaching decisions are made. I agree with you that they have more talent on paper this year, and are also more experienced at every position besides the offensive line. I really hope that Jauron doesn't end up getting in the way of this team in '09 like he most certainly did last season.

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I beg to differ.


The difference is the QB. If you have a franchise QB, you can have crappy coaching and everything else and still win.


Check out the top-6 teams on the list: Brady, Manning, Rivers, Rothlesberger, Cutler, Eli Manning.


You can't argue with how good those quarterbacks are, but also look at the coaches that have accompanied them throughout the bulk of their careers:


Tom Brady: Bill Belichick

Peyton Manning: Tony Dungy

Phillip Rivers: Norv Turner and Marty Schottenheimer

Ben Roethlisberger: Bill Cowher and Mike Tomlin

Jay Cutler: Mike Shannahan

Eli Manning: Tom Coughlin


A pretty damn impressive list of coaches right there. Belichick, Dungy, Schottenheimer, Cowher, Shannahan, and Coughlin all have a shot at getting into the Hall of Fame. Mike Tomlin is ALREADY a top 5 coach in this league, IMO. Norv Turner...Eh...One of these things is not like the other :devil: but you get the point.

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I beg to differ.


The difference is the QB. If you have a franchise QB, you can have crappy coaching and everything else and still win.


Check out the top-6 teams on the list: Brady, Manning, Rivers, Rothlesberger, Cutler, Eli Manning.


It almost makes me wonder: Are even the top QBs in the NFL underpaid? Do these guys deserve more like $20M a year instead of $10-$12?

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I think that in this and your other post you are letting Levy off the hook once again.


Of course it was Ralph who hired Levy, and Ralph is ultimately to blame. I understand this, but Jauron was Levy's Chicago buddy and fellow Ivy Leaguer. He hired Jauron so they could chase defensive backs with their best resources and this resulted in losing. Don't you think that Levy and Jauron share a football philosophy?


By the way, another thing they share is that they both seem to be very good and decent men. But ya know what? You are too, and I would like to see our team win.

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I think in the case of Jauron, Marv was instrumental in his getting the nod. Fine. While he was not my selection, I didn't think it was a huge mistake at the time, given the Bills needed to right the ship. I think Dick was sufficient for that purpose, but did little else. I'm not entirely convinced that DJ would still be the HC if Marv was still GM, but we will never know.


One thing I can say about this team and a positive that Dickie has brought is that we take way fewer penalities then we used to in the Greggo and Meathead era...

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I think that in this and your other post you are letting Levy off the hook once again.


Of course it was Ralph who hired Levy, and Ralph is ultimately to blame. I understand this, but Jauron was Levy's Chicago buddy and fellow Ivy Leaguer. He hired Jauron so they could chase defensive backs with their best resources and this resulted in losing. Don't you think that Levy and Jauron share a football philosophy?


By the way, another thing they share is that they both seem to be very good and decent men. But ya know what? You are too, and I would like to see our team win.



I specifically noted that Marv was "instrumental" in the Jauron choice. Dunno how that is letting him off the hook.


Maybe if I kicked him in the balls you would be happier?

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I specifically noted that Marv was "instrumental" in the Jauron choice. Dunno how that is letting him off the hook.


Maybe if I kicked him in the balls you would be happier?




Well, the post I responded to did say "Ralph" in a one word answer.


You and a few others seem to think that I despise Levy, Jauron, Ralph, etc. Once again, I do not. I will admit that out of the long term posters, I probably think less of Marv as a football man (not a person) than a majority of posters do. I think that he was great in keeping the big egos in check during the superbowl years and while this is important, it wasn't enough. I stronly believe that most good coaches would have had at least 1 Lombardi Trophy with all that talent, but we'll obviously never know.

After those years, he would spend games standing next to Mauch cursing at refs with saliva flying around, and the drafts were pretty bad for the most part after Polian left.


Ralph is a money man, not a football man. Jauron? He seems like the nicest man on earth. Seriously, do you know how happy I would be to see this man win a superbowl? I believe the stories about him changing tires for his neighbors. I have friends like that; you met them. But, winning is a longshot for Jauron due to his poor football philosophy and very poor game day decisions. Smart? Sure, but my daughter is as educated as he is, and we don't want her running the Bills on the sidelines (although she might do better than Jauron wrt the draft).


I think that when Ralph fired TD (who was great until he got to Buffalo), we all secretly cringed when he said he was going to get "more involved." Well, he kept his word, and this resulted in Levy and Jauron. :(

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A worthless analysis as a rule, and totally worthless without the salaries of the coaches, scouts, facilities, etc, included.


Worthless?? Did you even look at the entire 32 team analysis? All 9 SB winners this decade are in the top 13 team rankings! This has to be the most accurate analysis of actual money spent to winning or losing of NFL teams I have ever seen.


This is not like those pathetic offensive linemen stats that are so popular today. Now those stats are worthless, as exhibited by the money the Eagles were more then happy to spend on two free agent OT's that had two of the most "sacks allowed" last season. You really think the Eagles care about that stupid stat?


But this report has some real teeth. The Bills' lower ranking in this analysis is what "cash to the cap" means, spelled out to all of us Bills fans.

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Two hysterical words on this subject for yous:


Dan Snyder

Sure, Snyder is a good example of spending money, but maybe in the wrong places? The Redskins really haven not had a good QB and have been hurt by that. You can look at the Cowboys and even though Romo can be good, he has been inconsistent. IMO - great coaching - along with a good QB and good defense seems to be the right combination for the playoffs.

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