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Airbus 310 Crashes With 154 Aboard!

Steely Dan

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Most of the 143 passengers aboard the Airbus A310 were Comoran, an official at Sanaa's international airport said. The aircraft also carried a crew of 11, for a total of 154 people on board.


There has been no indication of foul play behind the crash, the officials said.


The crash is the second involving an Airbus jet in a month. On June 1, an Air France Airbus A330 crashed off Brazil while en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. All 228 aboard are presumed dead. The cause remains under investigation.


I don't know if I'll board an Airbus anytime soon. :thumbsup:

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Most of the 143 passengers aboard the Airbus A310 were Comoran, an official at Sanaa's international airport said. The aircraft also carried a crew of 11, for a total of 154 people on board.


There has been no indication of foul play behind the crash, the officials said.


The crash is the second involving an Airbus jet in a month. On June 1, an Air France Airbus A330 crashed off Brazil while en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. All 228 aboard are presumed dead. The cause remains under investigation.


I don't know if I'll board an Airbus anytime soon. :thumbsup:


I'm flying to Buffalo in a couple of weeks (not sure what type of plane) but the burbon will be flowing early that day.

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Most of the 143 passengers aboard the Airbus A310 were Comoran, an official at Sanaa's international airport said. The aircraft also carried a crew of 11, for a total of 154 people on board.


There has been no indication of foul play behind the crash, the officials said.


The crash is the second involving an Airbus jet in a month. On June 1, an Air France Airbus A330 crashed off Brazil while en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. All 228 aboard are presumed dead. The cause remains under investigation.


I don't know if I'll board an Airbus anytime soon. :thumbsup:

I get on a plane Friday. That 5 hours over ocean will be fun.

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Terrible. :thumbsup:


With regards to air transportation. Aging fleet? Cutbacks becasue of global economic systems. We could be up sh*ts creek without a paddle. I am not saying this is what caused the crash. I am just reflecting on what could happen in our human systems out there and how most importantly we are very dependent on those systems.

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These were both European airlines though, flying an European airplane. Just make sure you're on a Boeing and you'll be fine.


This one was a middle-eastern airline which had problems with that particular plane (only discovered when it flew to France) and then decided never to fly to Europe again. It seems likely that decision was so they would not have their aircraft checked over properly again by European agencies.

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According to report on NPR this morning there was a child who survived - absolutely amazing.





At first, Comoros officials said there were no signs of survivors among the dead bodies floating in the choppy waters. But then rescuers found the young child.


Cox said it reminded him of the 1987 crash of Northwest Flight 255 in Detroit, Michigan in which only a 4-year-old girl survived, while 156 others died.


"This has come up before and it's where the toddler was seated (during the impact) that allowed them to survive," he said.



I wonder what happened to that four year old girl?

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Here she is.




A degree in psychology makes a lot of sense. I'm sure she still has a lot of issues to work out.


If it wasn't for the MJ lovefest that will probably continue for another few months knocking all other news off the airwaves we might've heard from her. We still might wedged in between some MJ crap. It'll probably be an interview about how MJ's music gave her strength after the crash. :thumbsup:

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