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SCOTUS Rules in Favor of New Haven Firefighters

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No it's discrimination. Reverse discrimination is a made up term that to me makes no sense. And you're ok with discrimination against whites because it our turn right. I guess then you'd be ok with my wife beating the shiit out of me because husbands have been beating the shiit out of their wives for hundreds of years.


Since when do terms of the English language need to be passed through Chef Jim? You realize that it's a real term, regardless of if it, "makes no sense to you" or not, right? Nobody really cares if you don't like it - it exists. Stop harping on Kelly like he made the word up and decided to use it himself. Jesus Christ. Arguing whether a word exists when it does makes you look like you drool out of one side of your mouth.

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Since when do terms of the English language need to be passed through Chef Jim? You realize that it's a real term, regardless of if it, "makes no sense to you" or not, right? Nobody really cares if you don't like it - it exists. Stop harping on Kelly like he made the word up and decided to use it himself. Jesus Christ. Arguing whether a word exists when it does makes you look like you drool out of one side of your mouth.


I'm not arguing whetheh a word or a term more correctly, exists I'm arguing whether or not there is any need for the term to exist at all. To me either way it is discrimination, simple end of story. And I don't really care is anyone cares if I like it or not. Like I give a damn what any of you think.

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I'm not arguing whetheh a word or a term more correctly, exists I'm arguing whether or not there is any need for the term to exist at all. To me either way it is discrimination, simple end of story. And I don't really care is anyone cares if I like it or not. Like I give a damn what any of you think.


I agree. You are onto something. Yet, somebody has to make a choice (hiring/firing)... And I don't think we are at that point in our history to totally view it as simply as you do. Flame me, but if there is an underclass or minority there can't be discrimination unless the person doing the hiring/firing is the minority or underclass.

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I agree. You are onto something. Yet, somebody has to make a choice (hiring/firing)... And I don't think we are at that point in our history to totally view it as simply as you do. Flame me, but if there is an underclass or minority there can't be discrimination unless the person doing the hiring/firing is the minority or underclass.


Then call it minority initiated discrimination or something like that. Reverse discrimination to me is just a nonsense term.

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Ya. I hear what you are saying. Now that more and more minority groups are gaining power... I wonder what is gonna come of all this.


Soon the biggest minority group (hispanic) will be the majority. Why do you think both parties are kissing their ass.

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Since when do terms of the English language need to be passed through Chef Jim? You realize that it's a real term, regardless of if it, "makes no sense to you" or not, right? Nobody really cares if you don't like it - it exists. Stop harping on Kelly like he made the word up and decided to use it himself. Jesus Christ. Arguing whether a word exists when it does makes you look like you drool out of one side of your mouth.


Federal law prohibits racial preferences and set asides for airline pilot qualification. Why do you think that is?...

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Since when do terms of the English language need to be passed through Chef Jim? You realize that it's a real term, regardless of if it, "makes no sense to you" or not, right? Nobody really cares if you don't like it - it exists. Stop harping on Kelly like he made the word up and decided to use it himself. Jesus Christ. Arguing whether a word exists when it does makes you look like you drool out of one side of your mouth.



Do you think EEO recognizes the term "reverse discrinination." I have been told straight up by some (in EEO) that it (RD) does not/can't exist.

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