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Everything you wanted to know about ACORN

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GLENN: Oh, you know what? Dave, may I -- for anybody who doesn't know, here's who ACORN is. They are -- they and their associated groups lobby for a living wage, affordable housing, tax justice -- I love tax justice -- union causes and environmental goals. They are also against school choice and any kind of welfare reform. It's a major contributor to the sub prime meltdown. They pushed lenders into making home loans on easy terms. These are the groups that were saying that you're a racist if you don't go in and make these loans to people who can't afford them. They conducted strikes against the banks so they would lower their credit standards.




So ACORN decided, hey, our nonprofit status says that we can't directly go into campaigning and be a political party, but we really would like to be a political party. So let's help create one. So ACORN's lead organizers got together with some other very left-leaning folks in the mid-Nineties and created a party and particularly in the cities where ACORN was strong, the party was strongest because basically they were the same, the same thing with a few socialists added on. In Chicago it was ACORN and a few what they call Democratic Socialists of America, maybe 80% ACORN, 85% ACORN. And Barack Obama, who's had, despite all his denials, very close working ties with ACORN through the years, Barack Obama was endorsed by the New Party in his very first run for office. He was running for the Illinois State Senate and according to documents that have been put on the Internet, Barack Obama was a member of the New Party.




The Obama campaign's "Vote for Change" registration drive, running parallel to ACORN/Project Vote, is an all-out scramble to scrape up every last unregistered voter sympathetic to Obama's big-government vision. "Our volume," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe bragged of the voter-registration program, "will be enormous."


Quantity over quality. It's the ACORN way.





RUSH: All the tea parties are scheduled for April 15th, tax day, biggies. There's even going to be a tea party here where we live, Mr. Snerdley, in West Palm Beach, right across from the big courthouse over there. You're gonna have a big tea party in Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Atlanta -- well, they're all over the place. And yesterday word somehow got out that ACORN and a bunch of Obamatrons are so upset by this that they are planning on infiltrating the tea parties to cause mayhem and unrest and violence, that Obamatrons from ACORN want there to be fights and all kinds of violence breaking out to make it look like the people opposing the Obama administration are just a bunch of Looney Tunes.
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HAHAHA... thank you Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Did Beck really have the time to write that though? ... to busy crying.

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Looks like we found one of Glenn Beck's two viewers...

Disclaimer: I don't watch or listen to Glenn Beck.



Ok, having said that, I believe he has a very high viewership. I remember someone telling me that it is one of the highest rated shows on television.


It's a little old, but I believe it is still up there.




here is a more recent one




Seems as if Glenn is the head of his time slot

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  • 2 weeks later...
Disclaimer: I don't watch or listen to Glenn Beck.



Ok, having said that, I believe he has a very high viewership. I remember someone telling me that it is one of the highest rated shows on television.


It's a little old, but I believe it is still up there.




here is a more recent one




Seems as if Glenn is the head of his time slot




Glenn Beck is quickly becoming the TOP DAWG of conservative punditry!

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