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Word of the day


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americium (m-rsh-m)


Symbol Am A synthetic, silvery-white, radioactive metallic element of the actinide series that is produced artificially by bombarding plutonium with neutrons. Americium is used as a source of alpha particles for smoke detectors and gamma rays for industrial gauges. Its most stable isotope has a half-life of 7,950 years. Atomic number 95; specific gravity 11.7; valence 3, 4, 5, 6.




That's right a real word that you can use! For example --- Gee Dad how does that smoke detector work?

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Just flew back to Dallas from Milwaukee (worst screening process/lines that I've seen). Once you get through screening there's a sign above the area where folks put their shoes back on, pack up laptops etc. The sign reads "Recombobulation Area."


I humbly submit Recombobulation as today's word of the day.

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Just flew back to Dallas from Milwaukee (worst screening process/lines that I've seen). Once you get through screening there's a sign above the area where folks put their shoes back on, pack up laptops etc. The sign reads "Recombobulation Area."


I humbly submit Recombobulation as today's word of the day.



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