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Michael Jackson dead - Cardiac Arrest

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How the hell was Jacko $500,000,000 in the hole.


If you saw the Martin Brashear documentary there is a scene where Michael goes to a very expensive store and starts pointing to stuff he wants. He buys two big orb type things for $250,000 a piece and keeps pointing out other stuff he wants delivered to one of his other houses. :(


Hush money?




Well, one thing is for sure. There is no way Billy Jean could've been his lover unless it's a he and he was under 10.


Did he still own the Beatles catalog?




Jackson owns half of the Beatles catalog. Sony owns the other half.



Maybe he knew the end was near. I heard rumor, sometime in the last year, MJ did his will, and left the Beatles catalog to Paul McCartney...someone said that f**king up his friendship with McCarthey, over business, was "a nagging regret". Of course, none of this might be true, just something I read somewhere....can't remember where.


I hope that's true.



I think we just found out what makes your pants sexy. :worthy:


I was gonna say something like that. Beat me to it. Just beat it, beat it.


Isn't he a vegetarian? He's already starving.





Eh...I don't think McCartney was pissed that he wasn't getting the money, so much as the fact that insanity that he had to pay Michael Jackson royalties to perform the songs that he, himself, wrote. There is something a little demented about that, don't you think?


Think of McCartney as a money grubber if you must, but both he and Lennon (and Lennons' estate) were dedicated to making sure that the music they wrote for the Beatles kept its' integrity...when Jackson obtained the catalog, he started allowing their music to be used to hoc anything, from fried chicken to watches...of course, Jackson was well within his right, but it was kind of like one music legend, selling another one out.


Back in the day, before MJ was a superstar, no rock musician of any merit would allow their music to be used to sell other products. MJ was a pioneer in many ways, but one unfortunate element of his success, was the music worlds embracing advertising as a way of selling music. Remember all the sh-- Eric Clapton took from serious musicians, for performing "After Midnight" in a beer commercial? Now, if an "artist" doesn't have a product to sell, other than their records, they almost considered a failure. Now, the real money to be made is selling your music to video game developers for their dopey games, or 5 second snippets to be used as "ring tones"...


Exactly. Yoko Ono effed McCartney in the deal to buy the songs too.



He was acquitted, douchebag. Something it seems most people choose to overlook.


RIP, Michael. At the very least, the world will never forget you.


So was OJ.

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He was acquitted, douchebag. Something it seems most people choose to overlook.


RIP, Michael. At the very least, the world will never forget you.




I was never a big MJ fan. I acknowledge his talent, but his stuff wasn't for me. (I appreciated a song or two, to be sure.)


I also think he had serious problems. His behavior (especially with regard to children) was completely inappropriate, IMO, and I was always troubled by the continued adoration of his fans, despite the repeated accusations.


But I honestly don't think Michael actually had sex with those children, or molested them in the traditional sense. At least I really hope he didn't. I do think he engaged in fairly creepy behavior, and would never let a child spend the night (or day) with him.

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More or less indifferent to the whole thing. I do think that just looking at the guy, something bad was going to happen to him sooner rather than later. I would have thought he might have died of some sort of chemical poisoning with all the space age polimars in him from various surgeries.

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I was never a big MJ fan. I acknowledge his talent, but his stuff wasn't for me. (I appreciated a song or two, to be sure.)


I also think he had serious problems. His behavior (especially with regard to children) was completely inappropriate, IMO, and I was always troubled by the continued adoration of his fans, despite the repeated accusations.


But I honestly don't think Michael actually had sex with those children, or molested them in the traditional sense. At least I really hope he didn't. I do think he engaged in fairly creepy behavior, and would never let a child spend the night (or day) with him.




(But, minus the "appreciat[ing] a song or two" part).


My TV is going to be turned off until the Saint Michael lovefest stops. Truth is, the world has one less pervert. No loss there.


There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth. Then I realized that fully 2/3 of the people in this country skate along on the surface of life, totally oblivious to anything going on that won't directly impact them in the next 5 minutes.

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(But, minus the "appreciat[ing] a song or two" part).


My TV is going to be turned off until the Saint Michael lovefest stops. Truth is, the world has one less pervert. No loss there.


There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth. Then I realized that fully 2/3 of the people in this country skate along on the surface of life, totally oblivious to anything going on that won't directly impact them in the next 5 minutes.


Seconded. Great post.

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There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth.


I'm always perplexed when Jacko (or Madonna) concert footage is shown of adults melting down with hysteria (I'm mean seizure-like crying fits). Adults for christsakes. All thats missing is the purple robes and pyramids.

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(But, minus the "appreciat[ing] a song or two" part).


My TV is going to be turned off until the Saint Michael lovefest stops. Truth is, the world has one less pervert. No loss there.


There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth. Then I realized that fully 2/3 of the people in this country skate along on the surface of life, totally oblivious to anything going on that won't directly impact them in the next 5 minutes.





I'm always perplexed when Jacko (or Madonna) concert footage is shown of adults melting down with hysteria (I'm mean seizure-like crying fits). Adults for christsakes. All thats missing is the purple robes and pyramids.


Or throwing fits about tiny Stonehenges :(

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(But, minus the "appreciat[ing] a song or two" part).


My TV is going to be turned off until the Saint Michael lovefest stops. Truth is, the world has one less pervert. No loss there.


There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth. Then I realized that fully 2/3 of the people in this country skate along on the surface of life, totally oblivious to anything going on that won't directly impact them in the next 5 minutes.


Oh yea, OK, go preach that shlt to dead heads and followers of that white trash curB gobaigne

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More or less indifferent to the whole thing. I do think that just looking at the guy, something bad was going to happen to him sooner rather than later. I would have thought he might have died of some sort of chemical poisoning with all the space age polimars in him from various surgeries.



+1 great post

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