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Bills are 3-1 in second quarter of season


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If we're charitable enough to chalk up the first 4 games to growing pains, I feel that this team has really turned a corner, and that 9-7 finish is very likely. The one question that this teams needs to answer is if it can turn this kind of an effort on the road.


Listening to the pregame shows this morning, the Jets guys were almost resigned to a loss. They were very concerned about Bills D & ST, and said that once the Bills get the offensive act in gear, they will be a tough team to beat. The way the coaches were talking about them was not in the usual coachspeak of "we always have to prepare to play a 2-5 team." You can tell they were worried.


If I were to put a finger on what finally got things rolling, I'd say it was the switch to McGahee in the 4th quarter of the first Jets game. Having the benefit of reviewing that game in slow motion and frame by frame, the difference between the first half and second half were striking. The entire cadence of the O changed from that moment on. The Bills finally got the uberback on the roster.


Although the Bills haven't used McGahee extensively out of the backfield, he already commands more respect than TH ever did, and that is the primary reason you're seeing fewer all out blitzes on us.


It's about time that we can dictate the offensive flow, rather than worrying about DB escaping 5 rushers.


Part of the resurgence was also the cutting Shaw. I don't care if we're WR short, Drew doesn't always look at Shaw as his 3rd down guy (props to AD for that tidbit) Drew should be more confident in going to Evans in clutch situations. Not a bad situation of throwing to Moulds or Evans for the key conversions.


Maybe I was wrong three weeks ago when I said Drew was washed up. Heard from an unimpeachable source that game scouts thought that Drew may have been suffering from a concussion in the Ravens game, so that would explain the horrid outing.


With the team scoring more than 20 points in two consecutive games should give them added confidence heading into NE. They are banged up, and we're getting healthy and putting the right players on the field.

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If we're charitable enough to chalk up the first 4 games to growing pains, I feel that this team has really turned a corner, and that 9-7 finish is very likely.  The one question that this teams needs to answer is if it can turn this kind of an effort on the road.


Listening to the pregame shows this morning, the Jets guys were almost resigned to a loss.  They were very concerned about Bills D & ST, and said that once the Bills get the offensive act in gear, they will be a tough team to beat.  The way the coaches were talking about them was not in the usual coachspeak of "we always have to prepare to play a 2-5 team."  You can tell they were worried.


If I were to put a finger on what finally got things rolling, I'd say it was the switch to McGahee in the 4th quarter of the first Jets game.  Having the benefit of reviewing that game in slow motion and frame by frame, the difference between the first half and second half were striking.  The entire cadence of the O changed from that moment on.  The Bills finally got the uberback on the roster.


Although the Bills haven't used McGahee extensively out of the backfield, he already commands more respect than TH ever did, and that is the primary reason you're seeing fewer all out blitzes on us.


It's about time that we can dictate the offensive flow, rather than worrying about DB escaping 5 rushers. 


Part of the resurgence was also the cutting Shaw.  I don't care if we're WR short, Drew doesn't always look at Shaw as his 3rd down guy (props to AD for that tidbit) Drew should be more confident in going to Evans in clutch situations.  Not a bad situation of throwing to Moulds or Evans for the key conversions. 


Maybe I was wrong three weeks ago when I said Drew was washed up.  Heard from an unimpeachable source that game scouts thought that Drew may have been suffering from a concussion in the Ravens game, so that would explain the horrid outing.


With the team scoring more than 20 points in two consecutive games should give them added confidence heading into NE.  They are banged up, and we're getting healthy and putting the right players on the field.



For a team that has yet to win a road game, 9-7 is being very generous. If Buffalo can finish at .500, it'd be a miracle. 6-2 down the strech is tough, even for the leagues best teams. If they can finish 3-2 on the road and 2-1 at home, I think most Bills fans would be very happy.

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If I were to put a finger on what finally got things rolling, I'd say it was the switch to McGahee in the 4th quarter of the first Jets game. Having the benefit of reviewing that game in slow motion and frame by frame, the difference between the first half and second half were striking. The entire cadence of the O changed from that moment on. The Bills finally got the uberback on the roster.


I don't intend to pin too much on the hard-charging Henry, but I am in complete agreement that the entire complexion of the offense and how teams defend it changed the moment McGahee became a factor.

I don't remember exactly what Willis' first play was in that game (did he pick up a blitzer and then release to catch a pass in the left flat deep in the Bills end for positive yards?) but I remember thinking at the time that in just a few seconds everything about Buffalo's offense looked completely different.

I'm reluctant to give Travis the bum's rush because like him or not, the guy can really grind. But McGahee is a wholly different animal and his complete game has certaily been a boon to a struggling Bills O.


Maybe I was wrong three weeks ago when I said Drew was washed up.....The one question that this teams needs to answer is if it can turn this kind of an effort on the road

I'm afeared that in 7 days, you're going to wish you had found a way to put these two thoughts in the same sentence/paragraph.


I think again the Bills hang around for about 50-55, but the Pats at home just outexecute us to take another win in the 4thqrtr.



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I'm afeared that in 7 days, you're going to wish you had found a way to put these two thoughts in the same sentence/paragraph.




The gameplan is finally starting to work - as long as the team doesn't need to rely on DB to be the entire offense, he can still be effective. I think the only bad toss he had today, was the one after his long scramble.

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