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deferred ball receipt on kick-off

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What side of the debate do you agree with. I've watched and searched to see if someone has/ would bring it up.


Nothing drove me more crazy than to see the Bills win the coin toss and defer to the second half. We kick off and quickly are behind in a high percentage (read it in an article) of the time. Sure there is plenty of time to catch up but I believe it creates a mental hurdle to get over. We are not mature enough to always be behind.


I feel get the ball and let them fight from behind.


I feel you want the ball in the 2nd half. Here's why. If we get scored on at the start of the game, we have the rest of the game to catch up. I want the ball when there is less of the game left.


Honestly, doesn't it make you nuts when the Bills are behind at the half and the other guys get the balll? Even if we are ahead, I want to add to the lead before they get the ball back. Second half possessions are FAR more important than first half. Deferring is the only way to go, IMO.



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This stream only makes me more sure that . . .


the rule that allows a team to defer the decision to kick or receive is the dumbest rule in sports. We're talking about a 50/50 ccoin toss to start a game. Just choose and start the game for god's sake. Why add complications to it? If it is a big advantage to win the toss, then something ought to be done to change the format. A game should not be decided by a coin toss. The fact that we are reasonably debating whether it is a strategic advantage to choose in the first half or the second half proves that it isn't that big a deal.


What's next? A preliminary coin flip to see who calls the final coin flip? Perhaps we could allow a deferral by that winner , too. That way, the winner of the prelim toss could elect to defer, making the other team call the final flip.


Maybe the winner of the MLB All Star game could decide who gets to call the preliminary toss.



LMFAO. Good Job!


I'm on the side that thinks this is much ado about nothing.

Ed Zachary

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If you're playing to win instead of playing "not to lose", then you don't defer. You take the ball and try to take it to the opponent early and get a jump.


You're putting entirely too much emphasis on the opening drive of a game and slapping the "play not to lose" stick on it. <_<


Avg NFL team has 12 possessions per game. The first one is but 8% of the game, hardly something to fuss about.

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