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Sorry to go knuckle dragger on you guys, but Simon is wrong. I think both Pot and alcohol should be made illegal. Both cause to much damage to individuals and families. One is more violent, but both are degrading to the human experience.


What the hell kind of standard is that? Are we going to prohibit anything that causes "too much damage to individuals and families" or is "degrading to the human experience?"


Jesus H. brother--those subjective standards are the stuff of fairy tales, not laws.

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What the hell kind of standard is that? Are we going to prohibit anything that causes "too much damage to individuals and families" or is "degrading to the human experience?"


Jesus H. brother--those subjective standards are the stuff of fairy tales, not laws.

Live through the damage a few times and then come back and report to me what you think. I know the law is problematic and halfway unenforceable and taxing the hell out of both is probably the better answer like with cigarettes, but I still emotionally can't remove myself from my dislike of both drugs.


Maybe taxing the hell out of both is the answer and any crime committed under the influence of either should have mandatory sentencing guidelines a la cocaine including dereliction of parental duties and DUI.

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Live through the damage a few times and then come back and report to me what you think. I know the law is problematic and halfway unenforceable and taxing the hell out of both is probably the better answer like with cigarettes, but I still emotionally can't remove myself from my dislike of both drugs.


Maybe taxing the hell out of both is the answer and any crime committed under the influence of either should have mandatory sentencing guidelines a la cocaine including dereliction of parental duties and DUI.


How did that Prohibition thing work out when it was tried I don't seem to recall? How are the three strike laws working out in crowding jails with small time crooks peddling an ounce of pot?

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Live through the damage a few times and then come back and report to me what you think. I know the law is problematic and halfway unenforceable and taxing the hell out of both is probably the better answer like with cigarettes, but I still emotionally can't remove myself from my dislike of both drugs.


Maybe taxing the hell out of both is the answer and any crime committed under the influence of either should have mandatory sentencing guidelines a la cocaine including dereliction of parental duties and DUI.


So because certain people can control the use of something we need to make it illegal for all others? Wow, that's some twisted thinking.

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Im sorry you have had bad experiences. And I hate to be judgemental of you, but its pretty selfish of you to want to make something illegal becuase its effected you in a bad way.


Again, Im not sure what you went though, but I can only imagine and my heart goes out to you. But come on. You are a smart guy and you know thats a real slippery slope if we start outlawing things in this manner.

Actually, that was a good post, RK. On a side note, do you know a good place to get a doppelganger?

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Live through the damage a few times and then come back and report to me what you think. I know the law is problematic and halfway unenforceable and taxing the hell out of both is probably the better answer like with cigarettes, but I still emotionally can't remove myself from my dislike of both drugs.


Maybe taxing the hell out of both is the answer and any crime committed under the influence of either should have mandatory sentencing guidelines a la cocaine including dereliction of parental duties and DUI.


I understand that you want to personally pass a law because it hurts you but that's not right. I have a close family member who's an alcoholic and it's not a treat. But that doesn't stop me from drinking a glass of wine with dinner. And it doesn't--for one second--make me think that passing a law would make the least difference in his problem.

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That is why I wrote what I did the way I did. I know the law is useless and that is why I said "personally." The only way it should be enforced is a la current tough drunk driving laws and immediate loss of license to drive. However, if you do a crime while under the influence then punishment should be tripled. You are loading a gun and asking for trouble when you act irresponsibly, regardless of your motivation.


The rest of of it, while personally watched my brother destroy himself, know no law could have prevented his destruction, and because he did commit crimes that I know of while on the stuff except through its use, I am not sure about laws that ban the use of these things. Prohibition is instructive and so are tobacco taxes. How not to and how to influence behavior.

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That is why I wrote what I did the way I did. I know the law is useless and that is why I said "personally." The only way it should be enforced is a la current tough drunk driving laws and immediate loss of license to drive. However, if you do a crime while under the influence then punishment should be tripled. You are loading a gun and asking for trouble when you act irresponsibly, regardless of your motivation.


The rest of of it, while personally watched my brother destroy himself, know no law could have prevented his destruction, and because he did commit crimes that I know of while on the stuff except through its use, I am not sure about laws that ban the use of these things. Prohibition is instructive and so are tobacco taxes. How not to and how to influence behavior.

Sorry to read about your brother.


I agree w/ you on the bolded portion. Thus why I'd go with legalizing most drugs (definitely the "soft" ones) and make the penalties for committing crimes while high much more severe. I'd also have a "zero tolerance" (man, do I hate that phrase) for minors with severe penalties for those distributing to minors and penalties (loss of license perhaps) for minors committing crimes / violations with (what would be) formerly illegal substances in their system. I'd have some sort of an exception that would allow parents to supervise "experimentation" w/ alcohol or pot.


I'm sure that there's no way it will ever happen, so I haven't been real worried about the details of it.

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Sorry to read about your brother.


I agree w/ you on the bolded portion. Thus why I'd go with legalizing most drugs (definitely the "soft" ones) and make the penalties for committing crimes while high much more severe. I'd also have a "zero tolerance" (man, do I hate that phrase) for minors with severe penalties for those distributing to minors and penalties (loss of license perhaps) for minors committing crimes / violations with (what would be) formerly illegal substances in their system. I'd have some sort of an exception that would allow parents to supervise "experimentation" w/ alcohol or pot.


I'm sure that there's no way it will ever happen, so I haven't been real worried about the details of it.

I agree with your post and thanks... Still I love potheads who say their drug does not damage and isn't addictive... That is a bunch of crap. I bet they say they can quit anytime... a sure sign of an addict. Whatever... sounds like the same crap an alchy or a herion addict shovels.


P.S. An old joke.. what is the difference between an alcoholic and a heroin addict. They will both steal your money, but the heroin addict will help you look for it. HA :rolleyes:

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I agree with your post and thanks... Still I love potheads who say their drug does not damage and isn't addictive... That is a bunch of crap. I bet they say they can quit anytime... a sure sign of an addict. Whatever... sounds like the same crap an alchy or a herion addict shovels.


P.S. An old joke.. what is the difference between an alcoholic and a heroin addict. They will both steal your money, but the heroin addict will help you look for it. HA :rolleyes:

It's much, much, much easier to stop smoking pot than it is to stop drinking. It's not even in the same ballpark.

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I agree with your post and thanks... Still I love potheads who say their drug does not damage and isn't addictive... That is a bunch of crap. I bet they say they can quit anytime... a sure sign of an addict. Whatever... sounds like the same crap an alchy or a herion addict shovels.


P.S. An old joke.. what is the difference between an alcoholic and a heroin addict. They will both steal your money, but the heroin addict will help you look for it. HA :rolleyes:


If you care to read the statements, they were all relative.


Pot is not as addicting as [fill in the blank] I guarantee that pot is a lot less addicting than alcohol, coffee, chocolate or nicotine.

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I disagree. It's harder but not much, much, much harder.


I know dozens and dozens of people who don't smoke pot anymore, including myself. It was simple for me to stop, I just decided I didn't want to smoke anymore. I have never heard anyone say it was easy to quit drinking, even ones that successfully did it, and there aren't even all that many of them relative to ones that want to and have tried. I also quit drinking for three years at one time. Everyday I thought of it and had to convince myself to not think about drinking and not drink. I have never once thought, boy, I would love to smoke a joint right now even though I always liked it and like the smell and it's no issue whatsoever when other people smoke around me.


And that isnt to say that it's all my experience so it's true. This seems to be the case for most anyone.

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I know dozens and dozens of people who don't smoke pot anymore, including myself. It was simple for me to stop, I just decided I didn't want to smoke anymore. I have never heard anyone say it was easy to quit drinking, even ones that successfully did it, and there aren't even all that many of them relative to ones that want to and have tried. I also quit drinking for three years at one time. Everyday I thought of it and had to convince myself to not think about drinking and not drink. I have never once thought, boy, I would love to smoke a joint right now even though I always liked it and like the smell and it's no issue whatsoever when other people smoke around me.


And that isnt to say that it's all my experience so it's true. This seems to be the case for most anyone.


I abused both big time but alcohol !@#$ed me up the most because of how bad it is. I quit booze cold turkey for 10 years and sure the first week or so was tough but after that never thought about it. It's not so much the years after you quit, I'm talking about putting it down. When I smoked weed and most who do smoke it every day, all day. Smoked it before school, in class, after class before bed. But when I drank it was only after I finished work but hit it hard. I agree that alcohol was tougher of the two to quit but not that much tougher.

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