Another Should Prostitution Be Legal Thread.
Prostitution-Read thread start before voting please.
27 members have voted
1. Prostitution in America should be... (pick best answer)
Legal - Period7
Illegal - Period0
Legal - with some governing laws18
Illegal with tougher penalties2
2. I am against/for legalized prostitution due to... (pick best answer)
Against - For moral reasons0
Against - Based on things I've read or watched0
For - It's a fight we can't win.5
For - It's safer for society and a financial gain for the country17
Against - other (must explain)2
For - other (must explain)3
3. If I could I would...
Sell my body for money to men and women (for men) - even skanks1
Sell my body to men (for women) - even to skanks0
Sell my body to women (for men) - even skanks7
Sell my body for money to men and women (for women) - even to skanks1
Sell my body to men (for men) - even skanks0
Sell my body to women (for women) - even skanks0
Wouldn't sell my body at all.10
Would sell it for the right price14
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