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Not surprising. That's one of the reasons the Eagles jettisoned him (along with his contract dispute). TO is a well-liked teammate. That's not saying everyone likes him, but most do.


So, to paraphrase the Jones....


"We eventually realized Tony doesn't have the nut sack to be the team leader and we just paid him $67.5 million. Our salami's in a vice since Romo can't seem to tell TO to STFU when he says, 'throw it to me, I'm open' every time they huddle up."


(Also, I'm starting to see why NFL columnists get down on their knees every night and pray for Owens' continued good health)


Well written story. I like the writers' style, but no breaking news here. Owens' whole career encapsulated.

At this stage in his volatile career, a series of one year offers/contracts seems the best for all parties.


For this, I doff my cap to the Bills FO. :doh:

  Lurker said:
So, to paraphrase the Jones....


"We eventually realized Tony doesn't have the nut sack to be the team leader and we just paid him $67.5 million. Our salami's in a vice since Romo can't seem to tell TO to STFU when he says, 'throw it to me, I'm open' every time they huddle up."


(Also, I'm starting to see why NFL columnists get down on their knees every night and pray for Owens' continued good health)

Not exactly. Romo has had no problem throwing the ball more to Jason Witten the past 2 seasons. What the Jones' are saying is that TO was the actual leader of the offense, but they want Romo to be the leader, to grow up, get in shape, and take his job more seriously.

Guest dog14787
  Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog said:
That, to me, sounds like Romo is no leader.



That is so hilarious, Tony Romo is the class clown for the Cowboys just like Donavan Mcnabb is for the Eagles, great QB ing skills, squat when it comes to leadership. (Awww, To bad Jerry, cuz you got it or you don't and now you lost another leader)


So the truth comes out, T.O's over popularity causing a rift :doh:


TE may have a ways to go to match these guys when it comes to reading defenses or throwing for lots of yardage , but TE is a better leader than both of them put together and its because of TE's leadership,T.O. is going to be perfectly content to let TE lead and to help him in any way he can. TE's a gritty, all business, unselfish QB and his teammates respect him for it.


They both want big things and together they can do it. (and don't you just love the way T.O. has TE throwing the long ball in practice, reminds me of Jimbo trying to out throw James Lofton)

Guest dog14787
  SKOOBY said:
I hope Tony gets even worse and they send us some O-line guys as well.



and Jerry Jones gets so desperate after a 7-9 season this year he twitters T.O. and says " Please T.O. I'm so sorry about the misunderstanding and Romo really needs you" and T.O. twitters back, " Ummm, No, he's not my QB " :rolleyes:

  dog14787 said:
and Jerry Jones gets so desperate after a 7-9 season this year he twitters T.O. and says " Please T.O. I'm so sorry about the misunderstanding and Romo really needs you" and T.O. twitters back, " Ummm, No, he's not my QB " :rolleyes:

T.O. twitters back "SHOW ME THE MONEY"

Guest dog14787
  Flbillsfan#1 said:
T.O. twitters back "SHOW ME THE MONEY"



JJ twitters "3 year, 30 mill" and T.O. twitters back, "Ummm, No, its not enough, I want it all" "ALL? twitters back JJ, "I can't give you everything, be reasonable" and T.O. twitters back, "OK, these are my conditions"



Flash ahead to middle of the season, Its 4th and one on the Arizona Cardinal 38 yard line and Dallas has called a time out on the field, HC T.O. is consulting with Romo on the sidelines, meanwhile OC, T.O. is discussing the play call and now Team captain T.O. steps back onto the field and it looks like the Cowboys are going to go for it, whats this, T.O. is lining up behind center, Romo split wide right, the water boy/JJ is running onto the field and he looks confused,


hut, hut, hike...


Being popular and being a leader are not the same. Clearly stated, the Jones boys felt that TO would continue to use his locker room popularity to further his agenda (all of the receiving glory) at the expense of the reputauion of the player who must lead the office.


The leader of the offense is the QB, yet TO does not appreciate this. His beef in Philly was due to what he perceived was an inadequate acknowledgement of his greatness--beginning with his 100th career TD and continuing to his rapid return after injury to play in the SB.


That and the guy is getting long in the tooth and someone else is going to catch all those passes that TO would have demanded.

  Mr. WEO said:
Being popular and being a leader are not the same. Clearly stated, the Jones boys felt that TO would continue to use his locker room popularity to further his agenda (all of the receiving glory) at the expense of the reputation of the player who must lead the office.

Ah yes, Romo's "reputation" as a bum is all because of TO. That's hilarious. I guess TO is the one who suggested to Romo that he, Jessie, and Jason have a 3-some in Cabo before a playoff game? Or that Jessie sit in the stands blowing kisses and distracting Romo? And hey, we've seen that Romo throwing more passes to Witten than TO has really worked well for the Cowboys the past 2 years. I'm sure the practice bubble collapse was because TO "destroyed" it.

The leader of the offense is the QB, yet TO does not appreciate this. His beef in Philly was due to what he perceived was an inadequate acknowledgement of his greatness--beginning with his 100th career TD and continuing to his rapid return after injury to play in the SB.

It's obvious you know little about TO, beyond what the media (that is, outside of john wawrow) has fed you. Or what you choose to believe. His 100th career TD was in the 3rd game of the 2005 season (he joined the Eagles in 2004).

That and the guy is getting long in the tooth and someone else is going to catch all those passes that TO would have demanded.

Yeah, and someone else will catch all those TD passes. Like Roy Williams, who's caught more passes once in his 5-year career, but hasn't had more than 8 TD's in a season. But hey, it's just that simple! :rolleyes:

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