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Looks like North Korea wants war

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North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials.


The missile, believed to be a Taepodong-2 with a range of up to 4,000 miles, would be launched in early July from the Dongchang-ni site on the north-western coast of the secretive country.


Intelligence analysts do not believe the device would be capable of hitting Hawaii's main islands, which are 4,500 miles from North Korea.


Details of the launch came from the Japan's best-selling newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.


Both Japanese intelligence and U.S. reconnaissance satellites have collated information pointing to the launch, according to the report.


If N. Korea does this, there MUST be a swift response by Obama. Firing a missile at Hawaii is an act of war, and North Korea should pay dearly for it. We'll see if our government of pussies has the balls to respond to this.



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If N. Korea does this, there MUST be a swift response by Obama. Firing a missile at Hawaii is an act of war, and North Korea should pay dearly for it. We'll see if our government of pussies has the balls to respond to this.



More saber-rattling in preparation for his son taking over.

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There is a way to get the message out that we are not trying to instigate, we do not want war, leave us alone, etc....but do anything we see as an act of war and we will flatten you so quick, you wont know what hit you. Reagan was a master at this. I believe Kennedy was, too (but not sure..before my time).


Lets see if "the new great Communicator" knows how to handle.

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North Korea's not firing a missile at Hawaii. At best, "in the general direction of", meaning "east", given the accuracy of their technology.


And given the demonstrated reliability of their long-range missiles, they'd be lucky to hit the ocean, much less Hawaii.

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This has to be driving Obama crazy. He thought he would have a honeymoon period of dealing with such hot button issues as well, change we can believe in. He may find Bush's chair a little harder then he[and his blind followers] thought to sit in.


Sitting in a chair piled high with the sh#t that the last guy left on it is a tough job. Fortunately he's up to the cleanup task.

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North Korea's not firing a missile at Hawaii. At best, "in the general direction of", meaning "east", given the accuracy of their technology.


And given the demonstrated reliability of their long-range missiles, they'd be lucky to hit the ocean, much less Hawaii.

So, if you shoot at someone and miss, you still shot at them. At this point its really semantics. They are shooting at Hawaii, but will say they aren't. If this missile even comes remotely close to any American territory, it should be considered an act of war.

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Sitting in a chair piled high with the sh#t that the last guy left on it is a tough job. Fortunately he's up to the cleanup task.



Yep...all Obama's problems are Bush's fault.


You never fail to disappoint

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So, if you shoot at someone and miss, you still shot at them. At this point its really semantics. They are shooting at Hawaii, but will say they aren't. If this missile even comes remotely close to any American territory, it should be considered an act of war.


Probably more like they're shooting east, but will say they shot at Hawaii, in some misguided attempt to improve their position at the bargaining table and convince the NK people of their technological prowess.


Really, I wonder why the bother with the launch. The missile could blow up on the pad (not unlikely), and they'd announce they successfully launched a missile "at Hawaii".

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Not all problems are, but most started under Bush's watch.


And most of Bush's started under Clinton, and most of Clinton's under Bush the elder...That's just how things work. When you start the job, you inherit the previous guy's mess.


Doesn't make PastaJoe any less a twit for his blind worship, though.

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North Korea's not firing a missile at Hawaii. At best, "in the general direction of", meaning "east", given the accuracy of their technology.


And given the demonstrated reliability of their long-range missiles, they'd be lucky to hit the ocean, much less Hawaii.



So, if you shoot at someone and miss, you still shot at them. At this point its really semantics. They are shooting at Hawaii, but will say they aren't. If this missile even comes remotely close to any American territory, it should be considered an act of war.


I believe what DC meant is that if they aim it at Hawaii they'll be lucky to get it near anything even remotely close to Hawaii. IOW, if somebody threatens to shoot you and the gun blows up because they made it crappy and/or they shoot almost behind themselves it's kind of comical.

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North Korea's not firing a missile at Hawaii. At best, "in the general direction of", meaning "east", given the accuracy of their technology.


And given the demonstrated reliability of their long-range missiles, they'd be lucky to hit the ocean, much less Hawaii.


And yet... put yourself in Obama's shoes. Can he risk being seen as doing nothing? What if they launch it and it does hit or comes close (whether NK's intention or not). How would that play out politically?

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And yet... put yourself in Obama's shoes. Can he risk being seen as doing nothing? What if they launch it and it does hit or comes close (whether NK's intention or not). How would that play out politically?



I think it was sarcasm. JMO

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This has to be driving Obama crazy. He thought he would have a honeymoon period of dealing with such hot button issues as well, change we can believe in. He may find Bush's chair a little harder then he[and his blind followers] thought to sit in.


You and your ilk actually believing that Obama and his administration thought going in that it would be easy to just talk to North Korea and Iran and other problem areas, and diplomacy will soon get them to cooperate is FAR more deranged thinking that Kim Jong Ill has ever done.

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I think it was sarcasm. JMO


I'm not sure. I think the game-theory way to play this out is to ignore it, don't let it change the basic situation, and continue to try to negotiate (if you believe in negotiations), based on the thinking that it is just sabre-rattling and the extreme improbability of NK hitting it even if they tried. But having that be known as your response is politically disasterous.

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