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US to apologise for African slavery

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jackpot! :rolleyes:



The English owe me money for the treatment of my Irish ancestors...but seeing as though I have English ancestry going back to the royals...I'll just take a fiver from the left pocket and put it in the right pocket.




But the Irish "recovered" by turning the tables on others... Mainly the African-Americans... Who do you think took the low paying jobs away from the blacks when they frist came to this country?... The Irish and Italians... So, they got their reparations early on.

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But the Irish "recovered" by turning the tables on others... Mainly the African-Americans... Who do you think took the low paying jobs away from the blacks when they frist came to this country?... The Irish and Italians... So, they got their reparations early on.

So Mexican immigrants should have to pay reparations to poor white people for taking their jobs away?

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So Mexican immigrants should have to pay reparations to poor white people for taking their jobs away?


Maybe. Yet, supposedly today the dollar doesn't "discriminate." So, they can get around it. Years ago, it was flat out discrimination.


And maybe the US gov't should pay reparations for taking legal Mexican landowners land away in the west.

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They were farming here originally (the Irish in my family U.S. and Canada)...I don't think they were turning any tables. I'm pretty sure there were no reparations...otherwise they wouldn't have kept farming.




They attained preferable social status somehow. ?? Oh, ya... It was through "hard work." :rolleyes:

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On another note, thake a look at the "cirlce of violence" that has escalated in Africa due in part (notice what I said, "due in part"... The US is not soley to blame)) becuase of the American salve trade. A lot of guns ended up in Africa. I am not saying the US is soley to blame... Why not admit to being part of the problem that exists today? Why not clear our conscience as a nation... We as a nation have been clearly part of the problem... By admitting this, it doesn't mean we will be letting ALL other parties off the hook.

How many times are you going to drive around the block before you really defend that ridiculous statement? You are so far off the chart I can only think you believe the US had colony's in Africa.

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But the Irish "recovered" by turning the tables on others... Mainly the African-Americans... Who do you think took the low paying jobs away from the blacks when they frist came to this country?... The Irish and Italians... So, they got their reparations early on.

Yeah, the Irish and Italians got hooked up when they first got to this country. :lol:

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With apologies to the opening scene of Roots, the Atlantic slave trade was largely fueled by African strife. Slave traders didn't go into the interior to get slaves. Rather, warring kingdoms in the interior would take slaves and sell them to the coastal markets - a system the Europeans were all to happy to encourage.


The banning of the Atlantic slave trade started in the late 1700's. On the demand side, there was legislation against the further importation of slaves throughout the beginning of the 1800's, with the last holdout Brazil outlawing it in 1831. The remaining illicit trans-atlantic trade in slaves was treated akin to piracy. The British navy took the lead in enforcement. Curtailment on the supply side was slower and had to be imposed. Again, Britian played a pivotal role by stationing a squadron on patrol off Africa and taking military action against recalcitrant African states. By ~1860 the coastal kingdoms too had banned the trade in the Atlantic.


So - will somebody explain why we should be apologizing to Africa for what they did to us and not the other way around? Aren't we the victims?


Who owes who an apology - the junkie, the dealer, or the producer?

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Yeah, the Irish and Italians got hooked up when they first got to this country. :lol:


They sure did. You would be amazed at what a common bond in skin color brings... :o:P Even my Pollack grandfather and his brothers (my great uncles) were able to attain a job on the railroad by simply using an apostrophe on their last name.

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This compassion doesn't extend far enough to reach a group who had it far worse than African Americans. Then again the Native American vote is relatively small.


I totally agree. They just played the History Channel's expose on Andrew Jackson... What a SOB... Makes you want to never handle a 20 dollar bill again. "I will take two tens please."

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I totally agree. They just played the History Channel's expose on Andrew Jackson... What a SOB... Makes you want to never handle a 20 dollar bill again. "I will take two tens please."


I can ease your guilt


I'll give you a bill with Abraham Lincoln on it in exchange for your Andrew Jackson bills. But since Jackson was an SOB and Lincoln freed the slaves, I'm going to have to charge 5 Jackson's per Lincoln

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